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Why Do You Support (Insert Corpus Or Grineer)?


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Hello fellow tenno,


It might be a silly question but I wondered if some of you maybe support a site for a particular reason, maybe from the lore site or because grineer / corpus are stronger or maybe you just support the higher bidder

Which faction and why do you support them?

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I support Corpus so I can get my entertainment from the blood thirsty Grustrag Three, but must also take into consideration that Corpus society is more civilized than the xenophobic Grinder. Despite fellow Tenno being experimented on, that was so far was only Alad V and his crew.

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Having to pick between anything versus Alad V should be obvious for a noble, honorable faction like the Tenno. I would side with Infested before I side with Corpus. Just guide them towards the crewmen, clean it all up after. Grineer are on top right now, but time is not on their side. They are falling apart as we speak. Corpus is our true threat, cannot let them get established.

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I have Detron and Brakk.


I dont do any invasions that dont reward a reactor/catalyst. I do Detonite Injector/Fieldron invasions if I need them.


One of the reason I don't do "standard" invasions now is because of the reward in credits. Often 25.000, sometimes 35.000. I was already wondering if it was worth it when it was 50.000.


Edit : Ah, yes, another thing. Between the period between Harvester and the Grustrag Three, I used to run some invasions FOR the Corpus, to help them a bit against the mob of tennos.

Edited by NjaII
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I support Corpus from a lore standpoint as even some of the ridiculous things they do its better than the mass genocides attempted by Grineer, though naturally that doesnt mean i agree with Alad V's experiments. In terms of rewards i got the detron just from around 6/7 potato invasions, i usually only hop sides for a good reward such as potatos and i already have Brakk from Gradivus. That said however i do alot of level farming on Xini so almost certainly have more corpus deaths to my name.

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Normally I go with the highest bidder because... Team Greed.


But if the rewards don't matter I'll support the Grineer over the Corpus... Like back at Gradivus where you'd get the rewards of the winning side no matter if you supported the losing side. Win-Win situations like this are the only place for personal honor because somehow I like the Grineer way of life and their art over the Corpus style.


On another notion I like to keep the balance... because balance means in Warframe everlasting war... and everlasting war means I'll always be paid for my Tenno services as I don't like the wimp babble called "peace".

Edited by MeduSalem
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I support Team Greed... because stuff.  


Team Greed only fights for the best payout regardless of faction or long term outcomes, it is our goal to best embody the virtues of "F^@K You Got Mine" taught to us by our martyred spiritual guide Greedimus The Grabby.


GO TEAM GREED It's still confusing on some level that self-interested isn't the only thing anyone has loyalty to.

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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