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Why Do You Support (Insert Corpus Or Grineer)?


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I'd actually do invasion missions based on actually trying to keep things balanced if doing the missions weren't such a pain in the neck due to enemies failing to spawn in until like two minutes after you've reached extraction.


Granted, I already have both the Brakk and Detron, so eh.

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I support only Corpus (even if potatoes are offered by Grineer), because I don't like the idea of letting Grineer capture innocent people for their profit.

Corpus may be against Tennos but, let's face it, Tennos are not that good really; plus, they have all the power to defend themselves if needed.


On another note, I like that Corpus use robots for their armies and also their tech.

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I'll generally fight for whoever's offering the better reward. I'm not too picky, they're both overreaching dirtbags.


I do have to admit that I enjoy fighting Corpus more than Grineer, though. Corpus has a greater variety of enemies, whereas Grineer are almost all humanoids except for Rollers.

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