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Just Another Reminder How Rng Is Broken


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I did some ODD and Void Survival missions today and yesterday. I noticed that there is definitely a pattern going on with the rewards. Both mission types' rewards come in cycles of four. For example, if your 4 first rewards are Credits, Forma, Boltor Prime Receiver and Ember Prime Blueprint, those rewards will appear on every single 5th wave after that. In other words, if you are farming for Formas and you don't get one during the First 20 waves/minutes, just quit and start the mission again, because you won't be getting that Forma.

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Back in the old data mining days it was discovered that all rewards are weighted across 0 and 1. When you started a mission you were given a random starting position between 0 and 1 and a random interval number between 0 and 1.

Every 5 waves you would increment your position by the interval and that would determine your reward.


So patterns arise depending on your starting position and your interval number.


I doubt this system has changed at all.

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Back in the old data mining days it was discovered that all rewards are weighted across 0 and 1. When you started a mission you were given a random starting position between 0 and 1 and a random interval number between 0 and 1.

Every 5 waves you would increment your position by the interval and that would determine your reward.


So patterns arise depending on your starting position and your interval number.


I doubt this system has changed at all.


Indeed, it seems only the rewards have changed. And since they removed a lot of redundant/unwanted items, you get a LOT of duplicates in a row.

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