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Synergy Slots - Mods, Helmets, And Frames Oh My!


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A lot has been discussed in regards to helmets being purely asthetic and what should be done about them.  This is what I propose.


All abilities for all helmets are removed.


Synergy slots can be unlocked for all helmets and weapons as follows.  When a warframe or weapon has 3 Forma applied to it you reach synergy with that weapon or warframe which then unlocks a special slot.  For warframes this slot will be in any helmet you are wearing.  For weapons it will be added like an aura. Below are some examples of Synergy mods.





5% reduction in all electrical damage.  5% Increase in all Electrical damage and abilities which are electric base.  5% Increase in damage received from non-electrical sources.


World Syphon

2.5% base reduction in ability energy costs.  5% increase in total base energy. 10% Reduction in base Shields.



5% Increase in all melee damage.  2.5% Increase in base weapon speed. 10% Reduction in Armor.




Sniper Expert

5% increase in damage from sniper class weapons.  5% reduction in damage to non-sniper class weapons.


Shotgun Collector

5% increase in damage from all shotgun class weapons.  5% reduction in damage to non-shotgun class weapons.



Adds 7.5% to base status chance. Reduce base crit chance by 2.5%



Adds 50% bonus damage to execute moves. Reduces base damage by 5%


Just a few ideas, but you get the drift.  This allows players to specialize their warframes a bit more as they achieve Synergy with different weapons and warframes.

Edited by Mavericksfd
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OR we just release your stuff and the stuff that used to be on the helmets as more corrupted mods... Because that is all the helmets really bought. 


As for this idea. I like the idea of formaing multiple times bringing more to the item. 

However some of this will probably the same as new melee mods/focus system. 

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I actually really like this idea. Being able to like your Warframe aesthetically AND functionally, that sounds good to me. Why should people who like the Menticide Nyx helmet have to suffer with constantly draining shields?!?!

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Well, most suggested mods are pretty annoying but generally I agree. We HAVE to get rid of helmet stats to make them a purely visual (not optionally!).

Additionally I don't think it would be a good idea to make them only available after you used 3 Forma on it. There should be other means of unlocking these slots. Possible make the comming Focus end game mechanic adept to this or maybe some kind of mission you have to accomblish with your warframe / weapon in order to unlock that slot (like a mastery test).


That would require some work but I believe its totally worth it.


These kind of mod slots have been suggested a lot and I like them. I would like to make it even better by adding Prime mods where every Prime Warframe / weapon comes with an unique prime mod (the speed modifier of Rhino Prime would then be a "synergy / focus"-mod) that can be equipped on any prime warframe / weapon. But only on prime gear. It would give prime gear (especially prime warframes) the needed edge to differ from their non-prime counterparts. This would even make it more interesting to collect all prime gear.


I would say these prime mods then have no negative aspect in comparison to the normal mods. And turning the Rhino speed buff into a mod that would also be available for Frost Prime would help out the balancing issue we have right now.

Edited by Gekker
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