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A Question To De Abt Future Alt Helmets


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So, in your latest devstream, you said that there will no longer be any alt helmets that contained stats. And all current stat containing alt helmets will have their stats removed. However if we already  have that stat containing alt helmet, we get to keep it and also you will give us a BP to change it to the statless version. 


However my question here is, what if I have already collected the BP of the stat containing alt helmet, but havent build it. Will all my BPs be automatically converted into the statless version or do I get to keep the stat containing version because I technically already owned the helmet. You see I like collecting alt helmets but not build it as I am unsure of my future warframe that I may use. Only when i have decided which frame I am using next will I build their alt helmets.


If you plan to replace existing BPs of stat containing ALT helmets, please let me know as I will attempt to build all stat containing ALT helmets before you change them. Which may take a long while, I have practically every BP ofstat containing ALT helmet that isnt built.


DE please reply.

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dunno if DE has said anything about this yet, but I too want to know. I'm pretty sure people have been asking this, I'm just not sure if DE has given an answer. I decided to just build almost all the alt helms that have decent stats, just in case. I had enough materials, and I too collected all the alt helm BP's I could, but only made a couple that I actually use, and left the rest

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dunno if DE has said anything about this yet, but I too want to know. I'm pretty sure people have been asking this, I'm just not sure if DE has given an answer. I decided to just build almost all the alt helms that have decent stats, just in case. I had enough materials, and I too collected all the alt helm BP's I could, but only made a couple that I actually use, and left the rest

thanks, this just further proves that there are many others like me.

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The last live stream they said if you have stated helmet, you will get a blueprint to optionally convert it into a statless helmet. It is not automatic.


I am unsure if blueprints will be changed however, best to build now so you don't risk it. It is very likely.

Edited by Lorane_Airwing
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My guess is that the BPs will be statless. The latest statless helms are all using the same material cost, and the blueprint data is the one getting tweaked. I'd suggest building them all ASAP.

Only when the whole helmet is sitting in your inventory, I think it's safe to say that you can keep it.

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