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Best Elemental Combination



Most people have stated that Corrosive+Blast is the best elemental combo. I beg to differ as although Blast and Corrosive remove the negative percentages of each other Corrosive still does -50% vs Proto-shields (Alad V, Raptor, Bosses Etc.) IMO Viral+Gas is actually the best combo. All the bonuses cancel out each other so you will either do full damage or deal an additional 25% damage(-50% damage to grineer from gas, but a +75% from viral, therefore yielding a positive damage result). Pretty much you will never lose damage. The only downfall is -25% to machinery(machinery as in rollers and informers, not to be confused with corpus robotics: MOA's Ospreys, Etc.) but I never really counted rollers as enemies anyways(although I never underestimated a roller. They are squishy but can take you out with its immense crowd control). Not that Viral+Gas is better than Corrosive+Blast im just saying it is pretty balanced against all factions. (Note that this is MY OPINION. Here is a link to the damage 2.0 chart which brought me to my conclusion. http//warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0 )

Edited by jonultra
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can't use viral+gas together, though, since they both use toxin damage


you can use viral+radiation, magnetic+gas, or corrosive+blast. for my general-purpose/corrupted loadouts, I use corrosive+heat/cold (one or the other), generally. I never really saw gas as that good an element. destroys light infested, though, and if you get a gas proc, you can take out a horde of them with one proc shot. that's fun


corrosive is good in general, as proto shields are pretty rare (just bosses and maybe corpus techs). viral, however, is a great proc, and on high-status chance guns, I'll usually opt for viral over corrosive against almost every faction

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If you knew, you cannot make both Viral and Gas on the same weapon, since both use Toxin mods. 

It's technically possible with the Phage, since it has innate Viral damage. But other than that one weapon of many, it's entirely impossible.


And OP, the whole point of the damage tables being set up the way they are is that no combination of 2 dual elements will be effective against all units of a faction.

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Cicero mods solve that. But I don't have those, so I make do with Radiation + Viral on my general-use weapons.

Even if you use two Toxin mods, you only get one instance of Toxin on the weapon. Having two Toxin mods just increases whatever elemental damage/combination you have that uses Toxin damage.

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i only use corrosive+cold or corrosive+blast, mostly because im lazy and those dmg types have the fewest downsides/negatives vs all factions, might be an issue on rubbish weapons but on the handful+ of weapons considered "op/best" it rarely matters what you have fitted anyways.

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Corrosive + cold



Corrosive is +75% to Ferrite for Ballista Butcher Commander Flameblade Heavy Gunner Lancer Powerfist Scorch Scorpion Seeker Shield Lancer Trooper and 0 negatives except proto shields

+75% to fossilized which is the infested that are dangerous, Toxic Ancients and Disruptor s, and 0 negatives for light infested that die fast


and cold covers the shield and alloy with 50% and 25% bonus and only has negative to infested flesh.


Corrosive and heat vs infested is also a handy combo




Cold gives you ice storm 40% clip, which is a huge DPS bonus for a lot of weapons, Like Akbolto, letting you do 38k dps inside a 42 shot clip.

Fire gives you wildfire with 20% clip, a bonus for some long guns.




I try to avoid blast

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Corrosive + viral + heat


Everything else:


Corrosive + heat

Good elemental combinations depend on who you are fighting and the Pirmary and Secondary weapons you are using and how you plan to use them in combination.  Weapons that crit, by the time you add in the crit mods and base damage mods, don't have a lot of room for elemental mods so I tend to run with Viral for those though I might switch to heat for Infested.  You need to think about the weapons you are using and the damage types produced for the primary and secondary you are using, then uses the elementals that best complement each for the enemy you are planning to use it against.



A weapon with slash and puncture damage, corrosive and cold would be good if you knew you would run into Infested, Grineer and Corpus all in one mission.   Shall we say Orokin Derelict.  I might use my Soma for that mission.   Slash and puncture for Infested and Grineer.  Corrosive for Ancients and Corrupted Grineer Gunners.  Slash and Cold for Corrupted Corpus.


My secondary could be the Detron with Seeker and radiation, corrosive and blast.  Mainly as back up to deal with Ancients and Heavy Gunners.


Two weapons with different elemental combinations to complement the weapon damage for the enemy to face. 


This is why the game keeps me interested.  There is no 'one fits all' setup for everything you face. I put together different types weapons for various primary/secondary combination for different types of enemies I face with different combinations of elements on each weapon. 


There is no one set of elements that covers every thing.  You have to look at the weapons you are using and maybe even the Warframes are you using it with as some abilities help enhance particular weapons.  There is no corrosive and heat and that is it.

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Gas and Electric is fun on a high proc weapon, especially against Corpus, which have innate weaknesses to Toxin and Electric damage.


Corrosive is good for Infested and Void, with Fire or Cold attached if you have spare room.


Rad/Viral or Rad/ColdorFire for Grineer, and Magnetic/Toxin for Corpus.

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