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Sweaty Palms Can't Hold The Datamass.


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It would seem that if the warframe is left inactive for more than 60 seconds it gets cold feet and you have to goad it into continuing on with the mission. 



Sharpless / Mobile defense


Attempted with multiple warframes, different loadouts, etc...


60seconds minimum standing still, no activity from user input (keyboard, etc..). 


-While holding the datamass remain inacive with no user input.

-After a minimum of 60sec the datamass will drop to the floor.

-When attempting to pick it up the warframe will grab the datamass, and the datamass will instantaneously drop back to the ground.

-I found that if you keep picking it up, it will slowly move around, until you can drop it off a ledge/stair/etc... where you can then pick it back up again. However, if inactive again it will happen again. 


Testable, Repeatable. 





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