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Too Many Resources


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I have wondered for a long time now about being able to trade/transfer one resource in for another of equal value. For example control modules for a orokin cells or nano spores for ferrite. I have over 800 control modules that I'll never use up. I feel it's a huge waste to have so many of various resources and have no what to fully use them. Why not be able to trade in a certain amount for an equal amount of another resource.

Just to clarify what I mean, I'm walking about a system for trading one type of resource in for another type of resource either of the same rarity or amount. This is open for debate but I just wanted to put the idea out there for others to think about. If not a trade in system then what?

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Sounds interesting. If it were implemented why not do it like this: You can help out one of the factions, like you do for invasion, by giving them x amount of the resource they need and they will give you x amount of a different resource in exchange. 

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If not trading then selling the massive amount of control modules to trade in for plat or credits. It really bugs me to have a massive amount of them and do nothing with them. I don't care what I would just like to be able to put those reassures to better use then sit in my inventory collecting dust.

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+1 to selling resources for credits. I need credits to upgrade mods, I don't need 500+ controle modules or ½ million nano spores. I really don't. Even if I stop getting resources completely the only thing I'll ever run out of is Orokin Cells, everything else I have several lifetime supplies.

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I really want to be able to sell resources. I need credits every so often and selling my useless stockpile of Nano Spores sounds reasonable.


If they did allow you to trade resources for resources of equal tier they would have to make it 10 for 1 or worse, but I do not think they would ever allow it even at that. As noted many people have 500+ control modules, and farming the void would make all rare resources fairly common.


Another option may be to allow resources to be traded through the trade system, so people with spares can give them to others. Unfortunately this would make them most likely cost plat (what with that being the standard of trade), but this would get DE more money and would be more reasonable than the rate DE charges for materials in the market (which may be a  good thing because anything that gives DE a better revenue stream from Warframe and improves the game is good).

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+1 to selling resources for credits. I need credits to upgrade mods, I don't need 500+ controle modules or ½ million nano spores. I really don't. Even if I stop getting resources completely the only thing I'll ever run out of is Orokin Cells, everything else I have several lifetime supplies.


^ this, only way to burn my 1mil+ nanospores is making consumables, even making 100+ team consumables and keeping them topped up, im still at a mil+


we need a resource sink that has some form of use like burning them for credits, even if the exchange rate ends up rubbish.

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