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A Little Melee 2.0 Warning To De


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It may not be my place to say this however i do see that its probably necessary. 

Now a lot of people want, as does DE apparently, to make melee 2.0 combos timing based which is good and all if the game didn't lag, crash and bug most of the time.

And here is where the problem lies.

We have no dedicated servers DE, no region servers and most important of all your game takes quite a bit out of a pc. Please, before you release melee 2.0 think this trough. Not many people will be able to use your new melee system. If the pc doesn't make it difficult to use lags will.

Now i know what some people might say but do take this into consideration: timing of combos and counters requires almost perfect game and pc performance synergy and warframe as it is now one of those wont be able to handle the preassure.

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I believe dedicated servers are planned. They might not be soon but they will have to be with the Hub. It would be insane for the hub to have a player host. But I don't think they are planing on dedicated servers before that.

Edited by RaiZu
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I doubt lag will make it any more difficult to execute timing based combos. Unlike a lot of games, when there is lag, there is not a whole lot of effect to what the clients do on their screens, they just show up oddly on others' screens.Now while this may make it a bit more difficult to hit enemies that are rubberbanding around, it will be no more problematic than trying to do so with bullets.


The only potential issue with timing-based combos I can see ais the fact that things like fire rate are still tied to fps, and low performance on a pc/ fps drops may interfere a bit.

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combo timing will quite certainly be handled client-side (IE on your computer, not on the server).


You know how when it's laggy, your character keeps moving but the world pauses?


That's because your movement is represented client-side. Your melee combos will be handled in the same way - they'll keep going smoothly despite the lag. After the lag spike ends, they combo will be 'retroactively applied' to the world/enemies/etc. Warframe tends to be very generous in dealing enemy damage after lag spikes, and very stingy at dealing player damage. That's why laggy missions tend to be 'easy' (except for the pod - it seems to get hit harder in spikes)


Counters, however, are somewhat of a different story. That can face more serious lag related server-synch issues.

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The timing may just be handled client side. That  way if you learn the timing you will still be able to execute the combo even though the action will be delayed on screen.


Although it shouldn't be like that forever if it is. The second they grab dedicated servers for missions I'd want them to shift that to server side to prevent potential hacking shenanigans. Unless they are confident on their ability to prevent that.


Or perhaps they can code something to make the the timing windows dynamically change to be more or less forgiving based on your ping?

Edited by SolidSp33d
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