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Vauban A Must?



12 answers to this question

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ditch Oberon for a decent frame.  you can also swap out ash, after you get bored with him, he is a great frame, fun to play but less "effective" than other frames at the moment.


Vauban is a great frame vs infested, but sees limited/niche use else ware.

he is fun to play, and a great way to level weapons.


I would consider Nova a great frame to get, once you have enough shield mods and skill to keep her alive.


Nekros and Trinity are also good additions for group play and have better endgame uses than your current frames.

Excalibur is good once you have decent mods, using radial blind, but really needs "very good mods" to be effective.

Edited by Tatersail
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I would echo the nova or Nekros or Trinity.  I actually like Nekros and Trinity most now of all the frames.


Just let Vauban come, he isn't needed, or 'great' for infested missions, he makes ODD and ODS absolute easy mode, which is good for farming but not really that fun.  Vauban and a Penta can solo ODD almost indefinitely.


I don't think any frame is worth buying, I'd farm all the others and by that point the Booben should come, just watch for the alerts.

Edited by Wahooo
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