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Remove Credits From Loot Table Reward In Void!


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As title states, please, remove the credit rewards from Void reward table. This is such a old topic I honestly cant believe Im writing this. I love this game, and DE. Please just simply remove them. Its completely not necessary to get 2k credits for a reward in T3 Survival, multiple times during a 35min run. Anyone doing T3 will get over 20k credits just as a reward already for finishing, why do we need these small little credit rewards in a T3 Void? Actually makes all the hard work seem for nothing, slap in the face to some. This has gone on way too long, please please remove the credits! Also we shouldn't be getting duplicates of something as rewards, ie, 4 Mag Prime Systems during a 30 min survival run or whatever. Maybe this will make some new stuff being held back as you guys fix this, but Im sure the community/customers would not mind at all.

Am I grounded now?

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The Tenno that is raiding the place for loot is really bad at their job, apparently :|


Maybe it's a Rush-Loki that's just speeding through the rooms without checking the containers :(

But yes, the money rewards aren't worth the time and effort. Personally doing T3 Survival up to 45 Minutes in Solo, and whenever I get those credit rewards, I feel a little bit let down.

By the difficulty level, even a 8-10K credit bundle as wave-reward feels too little to even make credit rewards worth it.

Edited by ScorpDK
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If credit rewards stay in the loot table for whatever reason, that will be what we get mostly, like it is today and has been. It needs to be removed, if we really want credits we'll do the "Alert Missions" that have Credits as the main reward!!!

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I did a 60 minute T3 survival run one of these days :

7 Credit packs

2 Latron prime recievers

2 Forma Blueprints
1 Frost Helmet BP

Lets say thats the progression everytime i do a T3 survival, 50% or so of the rewards are always credits, with or so 30% being latron prime recievers. Still farming for that rhino chassis, done around 15 T3´s so far, nothing yet. Sad panda :(.

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They are working on it be happy your getting one prime piece from it I mean almost all the keys just give you one

Yeah, I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for people here, "Gosh, I used 1 void key and only got 3 prime pieces and a forma. THIS SUCKS!"


Of all "but the tables" whining, this is the lamest.

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^The Title says, "Remove credits from the Loot drop tables in the Void." So you should stay out of the grown ups areas if you cant read the signs. Glad your happy with the RNG though.

Edited by Buutterss
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i agree with OP remove the duplicates, that way the higher you go the more likely you are to at least get the thing you want. once all rewards have been given once reset the table to do it again. meaning you only get dups after you have gotten one of everything

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^The Title says, "Remove credits from the Loot drop tables in the Void." So you should stay out of the grown ups areas if you cant read the signs. Glad your happy with the RNG though.

I can read just fine, and you're busy demanding that merely getting 30 prime parts in 10 hours of play isn't enough, you want it to be closer to 120 prime parts per 10 hours of play. That's just greedy.


For comparison, I've gotten 1 prime part in the last 10 hours of t1 ext play. Ooo, latron prime chunk.


Getting 1 item per 10 hours is an actual problem. Wanting that changed makes sense.


Getting less than 120 prime parts per 10 hours of play, when prime parts can be traded for plat? Wanting that is seriously nothing but unfettered greed.


Your responses also prove this should be in the children's section. It's kind of funny you claim to be "grown up" about it.

Edited by Llyssa
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This is obviously a deliberate delay tactic on DE's part to milk as much $$ from people as possible.


They know the issue, they've researched it, they are deliberately waiting as long as possible to fix it to get the most money out of the current situation.


As long as people keep spending real money on key packs and burn through keys look nobody's business they will not fix it.


I am sure they are watching the active player base to and once the number of active players drops to a point that key packs sales no longer offsets the loss of players, then they will fix it.

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The issue with this is that your effort doesn't guarantee anything at all. Random rewards mean you can get 4k credits and 3 Frost helmets in a 30 minute T3 survival. 5 times in a row.

Yes, you got prime parts, but those parts are completely useless if you already have Frost Prime (which you should already have if you are playing 40 minute T3 survivals). Being able to sell your excess loot isn't a valid argument, the market should not be included in balance.


It also makes me think that the new prime parts have <3% (I made that up, but it definitely feels like it) drop chances just so people will buy Prime Access.


As always, it comes down to drop table dilution and random rewards.

Edited by The_Doc
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It also makes me think that the new prime parts have >3% (I made that up, but it definitely feels like it) drop chances just so people will buy Prime Access.



Good point, although I would argue you are using the wrong sign and it is < 3%, probably even under 1% for the keys parts.


Do people not remember the original Void loot tables when they got leaked?  Some of the parts were 0.5% drop (1 in 200 chance).

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@Llyssa the troll. I never said anything about Prime parts. Just remove the credit rewards from the loot table. Yes I remember the old tables. Doesn't mean I should sit back and be happy because its "not as bad as before." Its not the end of the world, just remove the credits from the table. Nothing to argue about (Llyssa), nothing major, just take out the credits for a reward.

Edited by Buutterss
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What exactly would you rather have there, given that it's not going to be prime parts?  The prime part chance will remain the same - that's intentional pacing.  Removing the credit reward will not change the reality that DE wants obtaining new primes to take a very long time simply because it keeps us busy while they work on new content.  If your goal here is to accelerate getting primes....not gonna happen. 


If that's not your goal, what is your goal with this?

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