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What Are The Weapons Craftable From Materials On Mercury To Earth?



I remember when my friend started playing the game and he was lamenting about how he was stuck with the Mk1 Braton and Lato for such a long time. We all know how notoriously hard these weapons are to use and unless you have all the right modding for them they aren't worth keeping. When I first started playing, many weapons were purchaseable on the market with creds (like my past-favorite Burston). But when he started recently, the burston couldn't be bought for creds anymore; he had to craft it. It was the same for many other decent mid-player weapons, all requiring him to have either nano spores or salvage that are only available on Mars or Jupiter or Saturn, which are very far for the beginning player and are not places you want to dash into with a Mk1 Braton or Lato.

So, I ask this: what weapons would you suggest to a beginning player to craft with materials available on Mercury, Venus, and Earth?

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I still remember my early days... my Lato quickly becoming more powerful than my MK1...and the melee being almost useless.


As for what weapon BPs you can get early... the obvious first two are the Cronus and Seer, both dropped from Vor.

Iirc, there's also a few weapons you can get (the BPs) from in the marketplace for credits, somewhere between 15K-50K.


I can't give you the best recommendations, but as a beginner you want a slow-firing weapon like the Latron, which deals lots of damage without eating through your ammo pool instantly. Until you hit a boss with massive shield regen (Hek is probably the last of those, and he's getting replaced with his new boss version soon, anyway), where a fast-firing weapon is needed to keep the shields down.

Edited by ScorpDK
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i remember buying weapons with just credits...now that i think about it. some of the research weapons should be like that, since you have to research them you shouldn't have to build them.

All research weapons require you to first build them as a research item and then you buy the blueprint. Sadly.

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