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Banshee Help



I can't... I just can't take it anymore. After raising more than 10 warframes, forgot the actual number, I started on Banshee whom I've had for a very long time. At first, it was all good; sonic boom is a great cc as well as cheap and very spammable. Silence has its uses, but there's no point in it once you're spotted. The alarms can be reset, but when in the heat of the moment, it's not going to save you. Sonar is okay to have; it provides a damage increase when shot in the right places, shows enemies on mini map (I use the enemy sense mod, so this ability is only for damage with me). Lastly, sound quake... it's bad for solo. I can see its uses in multiplayer, but it's just bad on solo. The damage isn't the problem, though it can use some tweaking. The problem is the fact that the player can't move while it's active.


Fighting a grineer napalm unit and accidentally used sound quake? Well good bye shields/health for 6 seconds. Those guys can shoot from a very far distance. They'll shoot their flame right at you. Not only do you take the initial fire burst, but all the dots that come with it... and you can't do a thing to stop it.


I've tried her with a full-on survival set (redirection, vitality, vigor, etc.) but it didn't work out very well due to her lack of awesomeness in terms of ability usage. Never mind the fact that sound quake uses blast damage, IMO the worst elemental combination in the game. I've paired her up with a beefed up soma/latron prime, despair, vasto, magnus, galatine, whatever nuking weapon I had and with all the power mods I could put in them, and I still have troubles reaching 20 mins on a T2 survival mission. Forget about T3, that's not gonna happen. I matched her aura polarity with rifle amp, then even switched to rejuvenation for all those bleed procs and still it isn't enough.


Can anyone suggest any tips for me? Banshee is just... I don't know how to describe her. She needs some major tweaking.

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range modding can stagger entire rooms. just play smart and she is god tier. she isnt an ezpz press button to win frame like nova and trollban who arent even really god tier. Banshee Nyx and loki are the strongest frame sin warframe. you just gotta learn how to use them. And banshee doesnt need to move when she prevents the map from moving. just dont stand in fire and SQ

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You accidentally hit SQ? That sounds like a personal problem to me.


Find some cover before you use it. It's not Rhino Stomp. No, I'm not denying that it needs some tweaks, but there are ways to use it effectively without putting yourself in great danger... until enemies start swarming you from all sides, that is. It's basically a 6-second Bastille for an entire room or two when modded for Range (though this means you will have to sacrifice some Sonar power because of Overextended). The only times I ever go down using it is when I misjudge how large a Napalm's fire puddle will be and think the cover I go behind will protect me.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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When I use sound quake, I'm not standing on fire. Fire just suddenly gets placed there by a random napalm who wasn't caught in the sound quake due to lack of range. Maybe it's my play style (I'm a commando at heart), but I don't see Banshee getting a forma anytime soon. Once she's at 30, currently 28, she'll probably collect dust.


@Noble_Cactus: I've been playing survivals just to rank her up. Enemies always surround me from all sides past the 15 minute mark. But the cover idea, I'll try it again. Though something always goes wrong.

Edited by Eggzodiya
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She is a pure support Warframe in my opinion. Don't think of her abilities as means to do damage. She provides excellent CC and support. I have attached an example build below. You want to use a Shade and Shield Regen with her and use Energy Siphon or Rifle Damage as her Aura. Why would you use Enemy Sense on her when she has an ability that provides the same effect? Use Sonic Boom as an aggressive CC when you aren't overrun, keep Sonar up as often as possible, and use range mods to allow her Sound Quake as much CC as possible for 6-7+ seconds (+ depending on whether you proc Blast and knock people down). Also, her Ultimate is more of a Defensive CC whereas Sonic Boom is aggressive. You will want to either take cover or let your Shade make you invisible before you cast it; that way you benefit from you shield recharge mod for as long as possible while you cast Sound Quake. Hope this helps a bit.

Edited by TheSeannachaidh
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she's a ranged frame. despite the similarities between stomp and soundquake (or even stuff like miasma, any radial ult with some stun time), they can't be used interchangeably. overextended instead of stretch (or in addition to) is great for soundquake. however, then you lose out on damage, even if overextended isn't maxed


against higher level enemies, soundquake is a support ability that is only helpful if you're playing with a team. banshee can lock down an area for a few seconds while teammates can revive each other, for example. and in that case, you'll definitely want overextended, as the damage doesn't matter. but for lower levels, it's very fun killing a room with soundquake


another issue with SQ is the casting time itself. while you finish and start standing up, enemies can immediately start shooting at you, while you're stuck in this animation. and if you aren't invincible, and the enemies are high level, just a couple shots will rip through your shields and health


sonic boom is useful CC, nice to force push enemies around. since I started the casting time feels like it has increased. but maybe it's just me


I suppose I can see silence's use for solo stealth play, but you're right, now we can reset the alarms, so silence is somewhat redundant. silence is arguably the most useless ability in the game at present


sonar is your main damage skill. it really complements banshee's sniper/ranger role. you want to take out targets from far away. sonic boom also complements this, as you can push enemies away and run in the other direction. still, napalms and bombards seem to have huge acquisition ranges, where they'll start targeting and shooting at you from miles away. and suddenly you're surrounded by fire. but banshee also doesn't have super high hp/shields. they're decent, she's not a frail frame, she's just kinda average. she's not meant to get up close and personal


I'd prefer sonar banshee to roar rhino or m prime nova for long missions, though ideally I guess sonar+m prime/roar would be best. but sonar gets you supermassive damage boosts, if you hit the right spots. so you'll want either very accurate weapons (snipers, latron prime, burston prime) or shotguns to make sure you hit those glowy spots. but again, shotguns don't fit too well with her kit, but you can use them if you want


sonar is also excellent for leveling up weapons, since you can boost the damage multiplier with power strength mods, even an unmodded weapon can score some kills on relatively high level enemies, enemies it normally wouldn't leave a scratch on



so the idea with banshee is to keep enemies at a distance, pick them off, and when they swarm you, push them away, escape, and start picking them off again. to maximize sonar, you'll want power strength, so this does make your soundquake pretty strong as well, but if you're playing solo, soundquake isn't really what you want to use. it's purpose once it stops killing stuff is to buy you time. but if you're stuck casting it, what are you buying time to do? unless you're sitting on a health/energy/ammo restore drop, and you need to stand in one place for a bit. that's justifiable. but you want some extra range from overextended so most enemies in the extended area don't shoot you while you're stuck casting

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