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Gorgon Wraith Build - Comments





Thoughts? Building the uberGW. The only problem I have with this is a lack of ammo on void runs. Can easily swap out a mutator for those runs, but this, as a general purpose build? It's fast, fat and freaking fun!

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Speed is what the G.W is all about, I have a hard time justifying Heavy Cal, it just KILLS the accuracy. What good is all the damage if you can't hit anything? I prefer a tighter spread, fast RoF and ample damage. I can swap out for Malig Force for Ammo Mutate, like I said, on void runs.

Edited by Morwyn
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Incorrect. It's better to take out the heavies with radiation, as they are the bigger problem on higher levels.

against Grineer, yes. but not other places. which was probably his point.




anyways, looks fine to me. that's not exactly what i'd go for, but suffices plenty. i'd probably use Hellfire instead of Wildfire though, the extra bullets isn't that important to me. 

Edited by taiiat
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He never specified a faction, other than to talk about ammo problems during void runs.


I too would ditch Speed Trigger for Ammo Mut, and then Ditch Wildfire for Stormbringer, giving you high Corrosive damage for Void (base impact good enough to deal with shields)

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Ammo problems = not enough raw damage per buller. Even Soma "burns too much ammo" if it is not modded properly.


Ditch Wildfire which is total crap and get a Heavy Caliber in there. that's at least a 100% base damage boost.


Bonus points if you can ditch Speed Trigger too and get a Stormbringer. another 90% damage boost.


Also bring a secondary with good accuracy.


Corrosive is the best multi-purpose element. BlastRosive rules them all but in this case it's not practical.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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