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What Is The Better Warframe Out Of Them All



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There is no best warframe because most of them do different things and fill different niches


if you dont tell us what you are looking for in a frame, you might end up making a frame you dont enjoy and sell it

then you would have wasted your time.

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THere is no best frame.


nova would be good at exter  but would be average on assasinations and defense becaus eof her squishness.


Rhino is called so powerful because he's the most balanced of them all .


Nyx for example is terrible at assasinations but is a must have in  a team for  Defense  , and is very useful  for capture.


Ash ; is more of the all rounder stealthy damaging support frame. HAs high survivability thanks to smoke bomb and bladestorm


And so on 


go with your playstyle :)

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Lol calm down.



The answer is probably Trinity since she can have permanent invincibility. Rhino and Nova are also really good.




There is no best warframe because most of them do different things and fill different niches


if you dont tell us what you are looking for in a frame, you might end up making a frame you dont enjoy and sell it

then you would have wasted your time.

+10  (^0^

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Test as many frames as possible and choose the one you like the most. Hard to say what is the best frame as its different for everyone. For example i absolutly dislike Rhino. I just played him for the masterylvl (didn't even started to farm for rhino prime).

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More raw damage than Ash?


Unfortunately I haven't tested all frames myself so I know nothing of Banshee myself


However as mentioned before Loki has no offensive abilities so Ash would be your best bet


But in the words of the a friend who got me to join the game


"Use and experiment with them all and choose who you like"

I personally Like Volt, Followed by Excalibur and then Oberon

Edited by DarkHybridWolf
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by more power i mean hostile powers

I assume you mean a frame that's good at blowing up lots and LOTS of enemies all at once?


Nova has the best AoE (area of effect) killing strength due to her Ult combined with her other abilities.  I don't like her personally because she makes missions too easy.


Other frames with good AoE capabilities are Mag, Ember and Volt.  There is no 'Best Warframe' because all of them are good at different things. 


It really boil's down to finding a frame you like.  Ember Prime's my favorite because she looks great and I like to light things on fire.




what is CC


CC or Crowd Control refers to any ability which stops an enemy from moving and/or attacking a player.  Be it Excal's Blind, Rhino's Stomp, or Ember's Accelerant (Stun+ Damage boost). Nyx, the warframe that specializes in psychic attacks, has very good, if not the best CC abilities in the game.

Edited by Xaelon
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