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Wts> Various Rare Mods And Prime Bps For Sale, Pricing: 1P-5P

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Ember Prime Chassis, Rhino Prime Systems, Orthos Prime, Dakra Prime, Fang Prime, Rare mods for Pistol, warframe, shotgun, rifle, and melee weapons. I'm aquiring new Prime gear and mods everyday, and im always willing to sell the majority of them for low prices, nothing over 10p (anything maxed or very rare are 10p, everything else 5p and under). Send me a message for more info, I just might have exactly what your looking for. Prices starting at 1p max at 5p. I have a lot of mods, 437 that are just cluttering up my inventory and a quarter of those are rare mods. MAX price Ill charge is 5p, bundles included. If you can pm me online while im on, thatll work too.

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