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About Proto Armor...


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I still think that price is a rip.

if it was just a random Mesh with no connection, i'd agree. but as a shoutout to Dark Sector, and that it ties into the game(which is more than i can say for some other things), on top of being presumingly Exclusive, i consider it reasonable.

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Only reason you're losing the bet is because the current price tag.

Any drop on the price sounds far more reasonable than what it currently is.


If the original price were 100p, you'd have a good chance of being right.

Personally, I'd go for it at 100p. That's only 25p more than what it costs to buy Excalibur, who comes with the reactor + WF slot.

True enough, I forgot to factor in some key elements in that psychoanalysis of le market movement. (namely how a "lower price" would be much more palatable in the light of a higher one.)

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the head is diff? how so? i dont own an exca nvr seen the skin in full detail b4

I only noticed this because if you stick it on excel prime he clips. You can clearly see his horn, and head design is very different as the parts clip through everywhere. Plus the horn is actually wider going back further compared to the less wider excel horn.

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Was it worth the 150p? kinda, that was plat earned from trading and I have nothing else to spend it on, but I still prefer my immortal skin.


Proto or Immortal? Definitely immortal imo.

Edited by MrJxt
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I do think the price is a little high _however_ calling it a skin is _way_ out


The work involved is:


1. New helmet mesh

2. New helmet normal map

3. New helmet diffuse map

3. New helmet specular map

4. New helmet tint map

5. New torso mesh

6. New torso normal map

7. New torso diffuse map

8. New torso specular map

9. New torso tint map

10 Torso mesh rigging.


vs the immortal skin which is:


1. New torso tint map


Or a helmet which is:


1. New helmet mesh

2. New helmet normal map

3. New helmet diffuse map

3. New helmet specular map

4. New helmet tint map


It was a lot more work, almost as much as a new Warframe for the art dept.

Edited by SilentMobius
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if it was just a random Mesh with no connection, i'd agree. but as a shoutout to Dark Sector, and that it ties into the game(which is more than i can say for some other things), on top of being presumingly Exclusive, i consider it reasonable.

If you believe it to be, so be it.


I've almost raked in the amount needed to purchase it.

I'm looking at essentials that I need, but everything I need cannot be bought with Platinum, and must either be found in Trade or doing another 15 rounds of 30 minute T2/T3 Survivals. Hoo-@(*()$-ray.


So I'm either going to get the skin and glare at that god-awful grey part that cannot be colored, or wait for an update that puts the current unbundled Immortal Skins into a bundle.

Or I'll wait for a color bundle that has metallic and whatnot.

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I bought it for 150 plat...and you know what?



Good for you! Cause I did the same, and we should all do it to support DE with this epic spending rush push! No seriously not being sarcastic... you should support DE more... now...



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Good for you! Cause I did the same, and we should all do it to support DE with this epic spending rush push! No seriously not being sarcastic... you should support DE more... now...



You realize it's Hayden Tenno in the same way that Excalibur is, right?

In the sense the only relation is they look the same. There is no lore or conventional logic to support that Hayden Tenno could still be alive.

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for me it is expensive since i have no plats now, and i dont have an access to buy plats - personal issues


i will miss this for sure....


but the fact that im not using excal always since hes all blind radial and all that makes me comfortable not buying this skin.


i just dont want them to release alot of limite edition stuff

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Looks awesome BUT... id love to use my Excal Prime Helmet on it, if it gets put on the Excal Prime.. wich sadly dosnt work cause its a new Mesh.


The Immortal Skin works on Excal prime, cause its only a retexture.. maybe we can have the right helmet on it in a future patch?

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I love warframe but dark sector was a horrible horrible game... I bought it for 5€ back then(the cheap prices showed that it wasnt the best game available but i still gave it a try) and after 4-5 hours i gave up on this game because it was such a boring fighting system. When i tried to resell that game in some stores they laughed at me and said sorry we wont be able to sell it again.

So im reeeeeally glad that DE stepped up created a really cool game, but still i would be glad if i could forget the time i spent on dark sector... Therefore im pretty sure i wont buy that skin.

But to everyone who bought and like that skin, enjoy it! More skins, more difference between each player is always welcome.

Edited by (PS4)fingernageldreck
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considering this is the most comprehensively complicated Cosmetic item to date, it makes sense.

Agree, but DE is celebrating anniversary so they should have offer this awsome armor for discount (80plat would be fair price)) or leave it forever on market so people can earn enough to buy it later. Its shame that souch a best armor many players wont have. Excalibur is starting frame and many people dont play with him after get any later warframe and this proto skin would make excalibur popular again.

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