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About Proto Armor...


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Fun fact: Only you can see the excal prime bits through the proto armor skin.

Me and my fweeend tested it.

I can't see them very well, I just like the meta of having a double exclusive.


I almost wish the combination caused sunglasses to fall onto my head when standing still on maps.

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This skin breathed new life into Excalibur for me.  I want to actually play him more now.


I know we didn't get a new warframe, but the Proto skin is practically a new model and it looks amazing.  Very gritty and fitting for Warframe.


The nostalgia factor is also another great bonus.


If I didn't have any "money bought" platinum, I'd sell off a maxed serration just to get this skin and re-rank one.  (the serration I can do all over again, the skin is something that'll go away.)  


It's that simple.... Totally worth it.

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Yes because presumably everyone in the world can support the game.


Dude there are 150 Plat for the SKIN, not real money, you can farm it in game items without put a single dolar or cent. And if you want to spend money you can spend 10 dolars, i live in 1 to 10


And this "SKIN" has a low price and people still complain


 Quit it with saying dumb crap like this. You look like a dense snob.


  Not every price will cut it for every customer. 


It was a joke, why dont you quit crying about it


If some one get offended by it, ill retract it.

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