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Frost And Maximizing Snowglobe's Potential



I am going through my frames and developing more stable builds for them (because normally i just throw some mods on it and call it a day)


I want a build + helmet recommendation that will increase his snow globe's damage absorption without increasing the overall cost of the ability.



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6 answers to this question

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Steel Fiber.


Maximized Duration mods. (Narrow Minded, Constitution, Continuity.)




Maximized Efficiency mods. (Fleeting Expertise, Streamline




Then w/e you want. Need Blind Rage for the most health, in this build you just use Flow and not the efficiency mods.


For just health Steel Fiber and Intensify.


*Forgot Squall*

Edited by Farren
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Squall Helmet


(this build is with 0 forma, but a matching polarity Aura in the aura slot)

Narrow Minded






(replace Freeze) Continuity


It gives it roughly a full minute of uptime, and Intensify gives it a solid chunk of hit points

If you wish to have MORE health on it, you can consider trading Continuity or Icewave for Steel Fiber, as the globe gets bonus HP equal to x5 your total armor rating.


In addition, this mod combination works rather well for either Icewave or Avalanche, so you still have a way to quickly take the pressure off of your globe.


Hoped this helped

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you cant maximize snow globe because the skill has no synergy with anything anymore.


cant do duration and efficiency with out making it weak as S#&$


cant do duration and strength with out making it cost an arm and a leg


cant do strength and efficiency because itll last 11 seconds


lets not talk about snow globes synergy with other abilites or other frames.



frost is quite literally the worst frame in the game right now. IF DE brings back CC avalanche he would be better then rhino. they also need to remove either HP or Duration from snow globe in order to make it a viable skill that can be synergized with any other skill he has.

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hence why i made my build known. It doesnt stress anything specific, and all it does is sacrifice one ability to make globe better. Its not godly, but i find it can whether the storm on T3 defense 15 waves in.


Drop Cont for Steel Fiber, Narrowminded gives you more than enough duration at high levels, up there your main concern is damage and the two best mods for increase hitpoints at no penalty to you is Steel Fiber, and Intensify. For Globe-bluids, those two mods are a good start to build something around.


And Squall, trust in the spinny helmet

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