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Some Minor Buffs For Loki's Abilities


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Now many of you are probably thinking "Loki is perfect! He doesn't need any revamps" and I'd have to agree with you. He doesn't NEED any buffs, but damn would it be awesome if he did.


Decoy: Pretty perfect. A buff I would enjoy would be if enemies directly adjacent to the decoy had a chance to be staggered when it was cast. I mean, wouldn't you be surprised if a Tenno suddenly appeared right next to you? This buff is largely unnecessary however. I'd also like if the Decoy didn't rely on health, lessening it's usefulness in high levels, but that's just me.


Invisibility: Perfect. No buffs needed.


Radial disarm: I'd like to be able to cast it midair, but again, largely unnecessary.


Switch Teleport: I've saved the best (or worst) for last. Switch teleport has so much POTENTIAL, but many players have a hard time finding it's usefulness, instead leaving it to collect dust in place of another low ranked mod or even changing a polarity on Loki.


First and foremost, enemies switched should be considered "hostile" by all factions for a very short duration (3 seconds or less) after being switched, and should also be susceptible to self damage. Second, what if switch teleport could be cast while ON THE GROUND.


In practice, you get walloped by bombard, he fires a rocket at your crumpled body, and a group of butchers is closing in. What do you do? You trade places with the big SOB, he eats his own rocket, and his "allies" hack him to bits while you regain your senses.


Now before you go saying "OP" think about it. How many other frames have ways to completely ignore knockdown? Now you may argue "they're tank frames" and I agree, which is why switch teleport should come with a caveat. If cast from the ground, it wouldn't immediately allow you to take off, there would be a very short hold, much like landing from a high jump. In addition, the ability could be limited to casting while you are still falling, forcing players to utilize quick thinking and timing to execute an escape. These two buffs could make switch teleport not just good, but GREAT, and I would carry one on most of my Loki builds.


There are a couple other things I think Switch teleport could benefit from, but they're just icing.


First, a similar effect as my proposed decoy buff. Enemies who are within extremely close range have a CHANCE to be staggered when you "land." This might be crossing into OP territory, as the ability is pretty spammable, but I think the risk of putting yourself in harm's way is a tradeoff (ignoring doing it while cloaked of course)


Second, what if enemies ignored you after you switched? They think their poor leader being hacked to bits is you, so why pay any attention to the fast little guy running pas- HEY THAT'S A TENNO! This buff shouldn't be paired with the one above. I see it as an "either or" situation.


Second, how many people hate being switch teleported? Everyone right? You're taken out of your position, confused, and usually inconvenienced by the little horned bastard who gets his jollies from ruining your day. But that's not how it looked in the trailer. Why can't we have that great synergy between Loki and other frames? Obviously, communication and planning could solve that, but what about a general purpose use that could be immediately utilized by all players, not just close friends in your teamspeak channel? I think that when teleported, a player should stagger all enemies within a moderate radius and receive an increased crit chance for several seconds. If not crit chance, maybe damage resistance, speed boost, etc etc. Again, this might be crossing into "OP" territory, but I want people to be happy when I switch them, not &!$$ed and screwed over.


These are my thoughts on my favorite frame, and if none of these were made, I wouldn't mind in the slightest. However, I would feel even MORE like a badass of trickery and deceit if more confusion was added to Loki, and he had a bit more team love in his box o' tricks so as not to seem so selfish.

Edited by StallordD
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Eh, why fix what isn't broken?


I would much rather see changes on the other frames, almost all of which feel unbalanced to me.



That being said... A chance to apply the radiation debuff on enemies when switch teleporting them would be nice.

Edited by RyojinOrion
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loki is perfect, prolly the more adaptable frame in the game (and i hate him, so he must be really good for me to say this)


about the switch teleport, powers on other players should be disabled, easy as that (obviously not the buff / healing powers, but the one that make no sense and are only used for griefing, like rip line)

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Decoy is already really spammable and top in usefulness as 1's concern. 

Switch teleport's switch aggro was suggested before and it is indeed a nice idea as a quality of life improvement. Usually I only use switch tp with decoy because it's just more reliable and gets out the aggro draw already. 3 seconds, however, seems high. 

But yes, switch teleport could have much more than just the mobility part of it. 

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I came in here expecting typical buff suggestions, and what I saw instead were minor tweaks that improve the "trickster" theme without making huge impacts on his already god-tier gameplay.


+1 to you, sir.

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 He doesn't NEED any buffs, 

You hit the nail on the head there.


Loki is what I personally view the pinnacle of a balanced frame. Any buffs or nerfs will topple that perfection.


That said, ST is the weakest ability of the bunch. The suggestion I find to be useful is a short duration "hostile" tag on the ST target. 


This would indeed allow for the trickster frame to deal damage...without dealing damage :P 


Either that, or have enemies obtain lethal damage when falling off of a cliff...just so you can switch teleport them into the dirt.

Edited by AscendantWyvern
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