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This Update Is Disgraceful.


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I tried to be cool about it but two days of utter fail and I have to vent.


Where to start...


This event. A lagfest. I have a 75mbps down / 35 mbps up business class Fios connection. Its not my connection. Its buggy. Its either a lagfest to the point where I can take advantage of the lag and just destroy the mobs, not very fun mind you, my damage doesn't show up, mobs bounce all around my screen but at least I get my rewards. Or its ridiculously hard. I'm not new to video games. You get that one life leech leader and the team wipes, becomes a complete waste of time, people start leaving, might as well leave yourself. 

Its beyond frustrating.


The new round of bugs. I get logged out of multiplayer and can't log back in for twenty minutes or so. It starts as "You have been logged out of multiplayer", restart the app, no other players showing up. I can chat all day and all night but what's the point?


The void is just unplayable. The framerate dips are ridiculous. Again, my damage doesn't show up. Mobs bounce all over the place.


I'm starting to really really hate this game and I'm frustrated because I also really like it. When the game works as expected I have a great time but this update is as the title states: disgraceful.




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Same issues here, I just tried a difficult spy Mars Mission which I have spent literally hours on trying to finish with my Rhino,  I finally managed to get it done, breathed a huge sigh of relief as I could finally continue onwards down my path, to be greeted with a Connection error,  progress will not be saved, you will be relogged error, this is totally ridiculous, how can they break such a major part of the game with a patch, this for me is a game breaker?  


I have spent close to 200 dollars on this game and all I am getting is grief, grief with strict nat errors because of the region in which I live (Australia) even though I have forwarded all the fricken ports possible,grief because I can't even invite people because of this, grief because of this new bug, and I just found a new one,   when I was trying to upgrade or fuse mods or purchase something else I received another connection error warning saying the transaction cannot be completed and I was sent back to relog :(


This is getting beyond the joke, people think BF4 needs work... this maybe a beta but clearily they can't get the basics right first, stable net accessable and useable in ALL regions or at least the SEA region for starters,   and mostly error free gameplay where your progress isn't stopped or hampered.


This game has so much potential, it is difficult and you need to spend real money on platinum to be able to continue after a certain point, but I can accept this if the above issues were not so apparent,  especially the Strict Nat warning just because I happen to live in a certain part of the world... how dare I ?

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I agree, this is bad.  Game has gotten worse each patch that has been released.  I probably fail to save about 50% of my games now.  I share the sentiment.  This game is awesome when it works, but right now it sucks and I just don't want to play.


Disconnects/losing game data + bricking/crashing ps4s + getting screwed out of 1600 plat that PC players get but not PS4 via Prime + getting screwed out of St Patrick Day color scheme...  We are getting the short end of the stick.  And it sucks.

Edited by (PS4)AlaskeyLandshark
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dE quit calling it a beta!!! When you charge for dlc it's no longer a beta.

 This ^  Our fault for spending money on a game that clearily isn't ready for release yet, can you imagine if this was a 80 dollar AUS game?  There would be riots...  Mind you you have to spend this sort of money at least to be able to progress otherwise you will enjoy failing alot of missions.

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You have to buy warframe slots and weapon slots unless you want to gimp yourself.


How is that DLC? I mean it's straying off the OP but you can play the game perfectly fine without buying ANYTHING. I share frustration with the state the game is in, but to say DE is charging for DLC is wrong. Look I got Rhino Prime and Boltor Prime FREE. Didn't pay a red cent. I've spent money on WF, boosters, and cosmetic stuff. I have all the frames, and yes I did buy the slots for them, but I didn't HAVE to. 

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I don't mean to flame on this post, but what you are describing here are connection issues. The lag you are describing maybe due to the host connection being slow. I recommend the following.


Start the game as the host, and if you have a good connection like you say. You should not have any issues. I have 35mb Broadband and have not experienced any of the issues described here. I host most of the games myself though and have a very stable connection.



In Tethras Doom, if you get rain, leave immidiately as the new rain effects are causing major lag issues on PS4.

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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How is that DLC? I mean it's straying off the OP but you can play the game perfectly fine without buying ANYTHING. I share frustration with the state the game is in, but to say DE is charging for DLC is wrong. Look I got Rhino Prime and Boltor Prime FREE. Didn't pay a red cent. I've spent money on WF, boosters, and cosmetic stuff. I have all the frames, and yes I did buy the slots for them, but I didn't HAVE to. 


I tried to explain that to ninja_obama in a previous post about a week ago. That turned into unnecessary sarcasm and lack of a valid point. It won't make a difference to tell anyone anything outside of how they feel and what they see things as. Regardless of what it really is. No offense to anyone reading this post.

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Despite the bandwagon jumpers or whatever you call it, a S#&$ty game is a S#&$ty game. Unfortunately its starting to turn into a S#&$ty game. How can you charge for anything when the basics arent right? True, it doesn't seem like a BETA when I have to pay for anything. Also true, hard work gives you the same results. So, tell me about the clan leaders that want emblems or colors for that matter. If measurements are off you dont even get refunded. Seems fishy to me. Sounds like a waste of four days farming mods and two days hustling said mods on the trade tab. But hey you can do it all over again. Thats twelve days gone. Hmm, why not just buy the pl and get it over it. It would be insane not to want to. Its like an unnecessary necessity. But we go out and buy the rhino primes and any other primes that come out. But why because they are new. Its one f$:)ing polo change, really. We barely get to use him because we cant stay logged in enough or there is some malfunction. We get a new warframe ever patch udate or whatever but I know I've seen frosts' snowglobe "fixed" three times. Seems like they do just enough to what's broken and give us something new to shut us up. But people keep spending. Do you think they really care at this point? I mean you're gonna keep spending so why would they really fix anything? Think about it in U13 they dont have to give us anything. Just do a complete maintenance overhaul, problems solved. But they wouldnt make money. They love us that much that they would do that? Their families have to eat and DE is a business. Its typical business 101. Give the customer just enough to want more. Whoever runs DE is a genius. They wont ever fix what needs to be fixed because they dont have to and we dont demand it. I love this game but its S#&$ty because it could've been better. I expect to hear the stfu's and your wrongs. That's expected but come U23 when they are still "fixing" the snowglobe dont look at .

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Despite the bandwagon jumpers or whatever you call it, a S#&$ty game is a S#&$ty game. Unfortunately its starting to turn into a S#&$ty game. How can you charge for anything when the basics arent right? True, it doesn't seem like a BETA when I have to pay for anything. Also true, hard work gives you the same results. So, tell me about the clan leaders that want emblems or colors for that matter. If measurements are off you dont even get refunded. Seems fishy to me. Sounds like a waste of four days farming mods and two days hustling said mods on the trade tab. But hey you can do it all over again. Thats twelve days gone. Hmm, why not just buy the pl and get it over it. It would be insane not to want to. Its like an unnecessary necessity. But we go out and buy the rhino primes and any other primes that come out. But why because they are new. Its one f$:)ing polo change, really. We barely get to use him because we cant stay logged in enough or there is some malfunction. We get a new warframe ever patch udate or whatever but I know I've seen frosts' snowglobe "fixed" three times. Seems like they do just enough to what's broken and give us something new to shut us up. But people keep spending. Do you think they really care at this point? I mean you're gonna keep spending so why would they really fix anything? Think about it in U13 they dont have to give us anything. Just do a complete maintenance overhaul, problems solved. But they wouldnt make money. They love us that much that they would do that? Their families have to eat and DE is a business. Its typical business 101. Give the customer just enough to want more. Whoever runs DE is a genius. They wont ever fix what needs to be fixed because they dont have to and we dont demand it. I love this game but its S#&$ty because it could've been better. I expect to hear the stfu's and your wrongs. That's expected but come U23 when they are still "fixing" the snowglobe dont look at .


You're entitled to your opinion on the matter so I'd disagree with anyone telling you to "stfu". Whether you're right or wrong. It's an opinion. We're all in this together either way. We've all spent money on the game and we all feel the same sting each time we get automatically logged out or crash. I'm not defending DE in any way by stating the fact that they're just a developer. There is no publisher. So it's not that they're a bunch of suits that are just trying to dig in our wallets. The whole purpose of this game was that they could make it and work on it the way they want to without following the corporate rules and such. Unfortunately the team working on our version is smaller than the team working on the PC version. Either way though, it is what it is. If none of us liked the game, we wouldn't be here complaining about every little issue. So you chiming in on the matter is very much appreciated because it shows that another person here indeed cares enough about the game to speak how they feel about it.

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Alot of valid points in this thread, many of which I would agree with and some I won't. Everyone is entitled to opinions as a fellow poster said, so I shall share mine.


First point: Void...


Yes, we all like the void since most of the nice stuff drops in there but as many have posted, the lag and frame rate issues make it nigh unplayable, not completely but almost. Nothing worse when your halfway completing a tower III and you get so much lag it either, a) blue screens the hell out of you b) kills your entire squad or even you on solo if no revives which is another point altogether. and lastly c) does not save...


Either way, they said they'd get around to fixing, had my hopes for a frame rate fix since before U12 and well nothing..


Now, on to the event...


It is playable, sometimes extremely laggy or broken but it is playable. I don't run the fastest net around my area but if I manage to host it least does not seem half bad, however if other's are hosting then it generally can get a little on the laggy side of it but can manage to still complete it.


What I find funny however is when you complain either ingame or on forums such as this people naturally jump to the conclusion "it must be your connection as I never have these problems" honestly, it could be a connection error or could simply be a coding from a pc to console issue and they have yet to figure ways to improve it, all in all we are in the same boat regardless if you suffer from the issues or not.

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Alot of valid points in this thread, many of which I would agree with and some I won't. Everyone is entitled to opinions as a fellow poster said, so I shall share mine.


First point: Void...


Yes, we all like the void since most of the nice stuff drops in there but as many have posted, the lag and frame rate issues make it nigh unplayable, not completely but almost. Nothing worse when your halfway completing a tower III and you get so much lag it either, a) blue screens the hell out of you b) kills your entire squad or even you on solo if no revives which is another point altogether. and lastly c) does not save...


Either way, they said they'd get around to fixing, had my hopes for a frame rate fix since before U12 and well nothing..


Now, on to the event...


It is playable, sometimes extremely laggy or broken but it is playable. I don't run the fastest net around my area but if I manage to host it least does not seem half bad, however if other's are hosting then it generally can get a little on the laggy side of it but can manage to still complete it.


What I find funny however is when you complain either ingame or on forums such as this people naturally jump to the conclusion "it must be your connection as I never have these problems" honestly, it could be a connection error or could simply be a coding from a pc to console issue and they have yet to figure ways to improve it, all in all we are in the same boat regardless if you suffer from the issues or not.


Yeah it's definitely not a connection issue. You can distinctly see the difference between a drop in fps and lag. I don't know if those people just don't know the difference or they're just extremely optimistic about the game. I do agree with your entire post though. My current issues are the framerate and the logging out. Mainly the logging out though. That's my biggest offender at the moment. I can't even idle in the menu for more than a few moments before getting logged out. Not to mention my progress not getting saved. Actually just earlier, I was fusing Volt's Speed power and right when I hit the button to accept, it prompted me saying that my progress couldn't be saved and that I'll be logged out. But I could see the red flash at the top of my screen signifying the game taking my credits, then booting me back to the title screen. It was definitely upsetting.

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I can attest that latency can effect your game with others.. For instance I'll use the stug for an example. It shoots pretty fast if I'm in a solo game. However, if I play with a group of 4 online and the framerates dont drop any, I still use to suffer from my stug firing a hell of a lot slower.. Same thing used to happen with my Dual Ichors with fury on, framerates stay golden, yet Latency kept comming into play making it seem like it was at half speed.


Then here came update 12.. I could NOT play anything but solo.. put someone else in the game with me weather I hosted or not and enemies would bounce all around loot couldnt be picked up... as well as FPS lag drops.


My fix for that problem in particular was to DMZ warframe on my router (DMZ Opens it completley in your router) Now I was able to play almost like normal again, axcept for like I was talking about earlier with the stug and the latency that seemed to come with it.


Well then came the Tethras Revenge patch. For 3 days straight I couldnt get it to patch, kept getting "Some content settings could not be downloaded from our servers. I tried everything, rebooting my router I evem rebooted it to default settings (Removing DMZ) my ps4, my modem all to no avail.. Then I downgraded my router the next day to a way older one I had in the garage that is wifi capable and left it at default settings. Low and behold now I could finnaly PATCH!!!!!


Then I noticed I would still get a little latency here and there if I wasnt playing solo. SO I went ahead and plugged DIRECTLY into my modem bypassing all routers.


The end result was a perfect multiplayer game and has been all day, I'm able to fire the stug at full speed solo and while playing with other players,''


Bottom line, and this is just my oppinion, DE or Sony did some kind of changes to the network settings, my advice to anyone having any kind of Latency, or FPS drops is to plug your ps4 Directly into your modem and try playing that way just long enough to see the difference. If the problems go away and more and more of us complain enough, DE will get to the bottom of it and we can get back to what we love best!


Post back with any results if you try this please, The more feedback we get, the better we can be served. See you around Tennos!

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I agree, this is bad.  Game has gotten worse each patch that has been released.  I probably fail to save about 50% of my games now.  I share the sentiment.  This game is awesome when it works, but right now it sucks and I just don't want to play.


Disconnects/losing game data + bricking/crashing ps4s + getting screwed out of 1600 plat that PC players get but not PS4 via Prime + getting screwed out of St Patrick Day color scheme...  We are getting the short end of the stick.  And it sucks.

I was hoping for a green color pallet for that but we on PS4 aren't getting it but PC is? that's some BS in my opinion. We got the valentines day one which is great for the ladies and all with pink everything but I was very much hoping for a green pallet for st. patricks day since blue and green are my favorite colors.

Edited by (PS4)OkamiToge
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