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Which Frame Is Worth Putting Time Into?



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Any of them you like the most honestly.

I built all the frames and enjoy most of them but that is something I did from experimentation.

Honestly all the frames you named are good

They just have their own play style you must consider.

If you are really prioritize

ash would be on my lower spectrum

Edited by Anatolius
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If you like using CC (Crowd control) use Nyx, she is amazing for it and Oberon is like Excalibur with healing qualities, Valkyr may be a better pick after Melee 2.0 (possibly.maybe,probably), Volt is very good against Corpus shields because he deals straight up electrical damage, Saryn is one of the more tankyer Warframes that can also melt faces :) (however she is not as good as she can be, people have been asking for her and Valkyr to get a buff), Banshee is one of the frames I do not have yet so I can't answer that and Ash really isn't worth it too much because Loki can do what Ash capitalizes in better.


Hope that helps

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No really. Nyx was my second frame I ever built. Really just a blast to use because you can literally charge into a huge amount of enemies, slide on the ground and cast chaos; watch as every enemy tears one another apart. It's absolutely glorious.

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No really. Nyx was my second frame I ever built. Really just a blast to use because you can literally charge into a huge amount of enemies, slide on the ground and cast chaos; watch as every enemy tears one another apart. It's absolutely glorious.

Didnt work out well back in the day. How is she now? Btw nyx is awesome if you have fleeting expertise because it literally has no negative effects on nyx: time reduction is a huge buff to chaos and absorb.

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valkyr is pretty useful for nightmare, since you can just activate hysteria and punch some people to get your hp back.

volt isn't optimal right now, but his speed and shield are still pretty useful (turns non-hitscan bullets into hitscan, this includes flux and synapse).

ash is ok-ish. not exceptional, but not useless either

banshee can be useful for weapon leveling, because her sonar allows your weapons to do a lot more damage, but other than that her effectiveness is somewhat limited right now. partially because she isn't invincible during her very lengthy ulti.

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valkyr is pretty useful for nightmare, since you can just activate hysteria and punch some people to get your hp back.

volt isn't optimal right now, but his speed and shield are still pretty useful (turns non-hitscan bullets into hitscan, this includes flux and synapse).

ash is ok-ish. not exceptional, but not useless either

banshee can be useful for weapon leveling, because her sonar allows your weapons to do a lot more damage, but other than that her effectiveness is somewhat limited right now. partially because she isn't invincible during her very lengthy ulti.

Judging frames based on their ultimates? I thought we were over this kind of thing. Her Sonar more than makes up for her Ultimate imho.

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I've several frames(ASH, BANSHEE, NYX, OBERON, SARYN, VALKYR, VOLT) sitting in the foundry waiting to be use


Which one is really worth putting time into or are they all sucky?


Nyx is actually a really good frame, nice all rounder, useful in every situation, every mission. You should put some love in it first. Then I'd begin to build Volt : he's still a really pleasent frame to play, and a must-have if you want to rush something for some reason.


But anyway, don't use a frame because people say it's powerful. Use it because you like it.

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