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Which Frame Is Worth Putting Time Into?



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Aside from Ash, I have all of those warframes at rank 30. Of your stated seven, I've enjoyed Saryn, Valkyr, and Volt the most. Saryn is tanky and has a powerful radial ult. Volt feels very balanced; not too op, but not weak either. Valkyr is just pure fun with ripline and the three screaming skills. Hysteria's invincibility has gotten me through some very rough situations, so that's always a plus. At first, she's a bit annoying to rank up but you won't regret getting her to 30... or at least I didn't.

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Banshee and  Nyx are the only ones listed that are relevant for endless endgame.


Banshee for 10-11x weapon damage modifier, and knockback/down CC.

Nyx for enemy CC with scaleable damage, and Absorb for personal survivability and turning a teammates Boltor Prime into an AoE explosion, lol.


Of the others listed, most are damage casters, which really only work well up into midgame *(Saryn works into the 50s).


Saryn is the most powerful, with the highest damage/energy ability of any warframe (that CCs for 3 seconds too!) and a useful escape mechanism.

Volt is next, with some cheap CC and a heavily damaging ult. Energy shields are useful for corridor defense.

Oberon is useful only because his ult knocks down for some cc, and spawns health orbs on kills, so it provides team healing.


Valkyr and Ash are soloists:

Valkyr by becoming immune to damage and killing stuff to heal.

Ash by never taking damage because hes invisible, and using Bladestorm to restore shields when needed.

Edited by Darzk
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Ash is my main for the moment, I enjoy him a lot ^^ . Blade storm is a 'oh sh*t ' skill (Turns you invincible) Shurikens are pretty strong(I could beat my friends Oberon ((lvl25)) with 1 shuriken. 


Invisible, I don't think I need to explain why this is good.


And his teleport is not really good, but it can save you ^^ . 

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All 'frames are worth putting time in if you find them fun to play.


There are a few on your list I don't care for, but Nyx, Banshee, and Valkyr are all worthwhile. I like Saryn quite a bit, but she lacks some of the focus on particular roles the others have.


The Prime argument is entirely bogus. Primes generally aren't much different than their more pedestrian counterparts; you're gaining very little waiting for one and missing a lot of gameplay on a vague promise of availability. It's a very weak argument for not playing a significant portion of the game.  


Again, if you find a 'frame fun, it's definitely worth your time.

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