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Thanks De For Dex Furis


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...but alad has cut open tenno to look inside and pulled them apart to make zanukers. He, and he alone is qualified to tell us whether or not we have eyes.

I doubt he'd pay much attention to the flesh. Gets in the way of the circuitry. Also, I'd imagine we'd be the most qualified to tell ourselves if we have eyes. Considering...  you know. they're ours.

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It seems to of been remade to be corpus after the original experimentation.


I've noticed that most Vandals ARE Corpus... technology. Corpus technology (Braton, Prova, Snipetron) modified by the Lotus. The Lato seems to be the only exception, as that's fully Tenno.

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I've noticed that most Vandals ARE Corpus... technology. Corpus technology (Braton, Prova, Snipetron) modified by the Lotus. The Lato seems to be the only exception, as that's fully Tenno.

Yes, that is what I meant. I never implied they were redesigned by the corpus. I'm just saying what they were originally. I don't think the grineer actually made the wraiths either. It's just how they were modified.

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