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Will We Ever Get A Friendly Grineer?


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One day you will turn a wrong corner in a Grineer Galleon and enter the mess hall. There you will find an aged grineer grandmother, holding a tray of cookies.


"Oh dearie me, you look famished. Have a cookie."

Then you get the new grineer Heat Cooking Tray to the side of your head. It works like the glaive only topped with delicious confections.
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Me and a few friends have a running gag of a "Heavy Gunner Sempai" that aided us a long time ago in an invasion mission. Ever since then, I've always been personally toying with the idea of a female Grineer defect.



All in all though, any marginally friendly Grineer unit would be a nice addition.

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I don't think the Grineer are predisposed to be friendly. In a way, they sort of lack the free will for it; they are so indoctrinated with the idea of Grinner Superiority. They are quite literally born into it.


The best we can really hope for is the tolerance/respect extended to us by Ruk during the event...

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