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Rhino Prime Parts Void Rewards


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I find it strange that many players got the same issue that rhino prime parts just don't seem to drop.

Also played over 20 Tower 2 mobile defense mission and never got the rhino prime helmet blueprint, always the same drops (reaper handle, branton prime blueprint or bronco prime blueprint).


When playing Tower 3 survival it's even more frustrating, over 20 missions playing and always getting same rewards (frost prime helmet blueprint, latron prime receiver, sometimes a forma).

And it's seems when playing longer than 25min, you only get stupid things. I'm talking about 2500 or 5000 credits cache...

Are you seriously after 35 min Tower 3 survival I get as reward 2500 credits cache?

Please put this reward out of a Tower 3 or at least give some decent credits.

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When playing Tiered Survival missions, the "sweet spot" is every 20mins, wherein it assures you a Forma or a Prime Blueprint. I got my Rhino Prime Chassis last night just after 20 mins (and only 3 runs). Anyway, back to the point...my suggestion would be to just do 20min survivals. If the Chassis isn't the reward, leave the game so as to not waste the key. Rinse and repeat. Less taxing than trying to do 40min+ runs..

Edited by (PS4)jiminee10
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As far as i can tell the drop rate for the new prime stuff is considerably low. Note i farmed for my rhino prime it took a whole bunch of keys more than the mentioned above. its really a luck of the draw imagine it as the wheel of fortune and the part you want is the tiniest slice of the wheel. so every 5 minutes or mission complete you spin that wheel and it lands on a random item there's your reward so don't be surprised if you have to spin that wheel 800 times its not unusual its all legit. 

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I played about 10 T3 survivals yesterday, it's my favorite game mode. Half of those were 40+, 2 of them 55+... sick and @(*()$ tired of seeing the Latron prime receiver. Got "rewarded" 3 times in a row in a 45 minute run, and the sickening thing is, that happened a few times yesterday. If it's not the damned receiver it's a Glaive blade, or frost prime helmet.


Like seriously, after 50 minutes in the void, I DON'T WANT @(*()$ 5000 CREDITS!

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I found all other parts easily except the blueprint. Ive run over 20 T3 Exterminates and its all either Sicarus Prime Barrels, Forma Blueprints, of Boltor Prime Barrels. Its a struggle and thats why the trading channel is offering ridiculous prices for parts. But the systems seems like the easiest thing to get

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I seem to only get the Orthos Prime BP from T2 Exterminate instead of the Rhino Prime Systems. Like literally nothing else is given outside of the Orthos Prime BP. I had 16 keys and now I'm down to about 7 or 8. Then again, I had it set to solo and I've noticed with some things, I get luckier when going in solo than online and other things, it's better to go online than solo. But I think it's odd that I'm only getting Orthos Prime BPs out of any possible rewards.

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You are all probably going to hate me or call me a liar. But my squad got all four Rhino Prime parts in only 4 runs. Three of them on Wednesday night and the Chassis last night.  The rng god was most likely on a coffee break and is currently recruiting the Stalker, Harvester and G3 to come after my first born.

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Still no luck after countless times T3 survival, it's just get annoying.

So I just stop playing for 2 weeks, because it's not really worth the time doing survivals over 30min and more to just see I'm getting 5000 credits cache as "reward" few times on the run.


Also tried couple op T2 MD,  but still getting same reward over and over again (bronco prime and braton prime blueprint)



ps: T2 MD is still huge lag, it literally hurts my eyes

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