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So... Dex...


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it used to be like this :

weapon + 1UP(Tenno) = vandal.

then it was :

weapon + 1UP(corpus) = Vandal.
weapon + 1UP(Grineer) = Wraith.
weapon + 1UP(Orokin) = Prime.

and now... is it?


weapon + 1UP(corpus) = Vandal.
weapon + 1UP(Grineer) = Wraith.
weapon + 1UP(Orokin) = Prime.
weapon + 1UP(Tenno) = Dex.

weapon + 1UP(corpus) = Vandal.
weapon + 1UP(Grineer) = Wraith.
weapon + 1UP(Orokin) = Prime.
weapon + 1UP(Lotus) = Dex.

also, when will we get infested side/upgrades?
I dont have enough weapons to fill my slots with.

IF Dex is indeed a pure Tenno side/upgrade, dose it mean that the second gen warframes will get a Dex variant instead of prime?
Nova Dex any one?
Edited by EagleRise
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In all likeliness, Dex is probably short hand for Digital Extremes (DEx) and will probably be limited to anniversary gear.

Who knows, in another two years we might get a full set of Dex weapons.

Here's hoping to at least another two years of Warframe :)


EDIT: It's not the best idea to assume that the Dex weapons are official lore-based upgrades like Prime, Vandal and Wraith.


Just to clear up the confusion:

The corpus had reverse engineered a number of Tenno weapons for themselves, so the Braton Vandal exists as the Corpus manufacture of a Tenno weapon, whereas Braton Prime exist as the original manufacture of the Tenno weapon from the Orokin age.


The Grineer also buy and use a number of corpus manufacture arms for their own, hence the design of the Strun, but because it is used primarily by Grineer, the refined version is designated a Wraith edition.

Edited by Phantom_Jack
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Me too although I've always wondered about the Braton Vandal...


I believe the Braton is a Corpus variant of the Orokin version.

But I think Vandal are Lotus's weapons. It has the Lotus symbol. Not sure about the Dex, though.

Edited by JRMC
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Guys, it's not that complicated.  They probably wanted to avoid giving us Afuris Prime because they want to keep primes (aside from Excalibur, Skana, and Lato) from being exclusive and have them obtainable from the Void.  However, Afuris Vandal or Afuris Wraith aren't possibilities for obvious reasons, so they made up Dex.


The Braton is weird because DE hadn't figured out how Prime/Vandal/Wraith was going to work at that time (and in fact Wraith didn't exist yet).  There are other continuity errors from that time, too (Boar and Strun having the same receiver, Snipetron being a non-energy-based Corpus weapon, etc.).

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No. Its a special 1 year anniversary weapon. Prime is Tenno, Dex is special occasion.


We're talking about which factions made which weapon sets and not about special occasion weapons. (And Prime is Orokin, not Tenno.)

Edited by JRMC
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In all likeliness, Dex is probably short hand for Digital Extremes (DEx) and will probably be limited to anniversary gear.

Who knows, in another two years we might get a full set of Dex weapons.

Here's hoping to at least another two years of Warframe :)

i think thats more accurate

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