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The Grineer Systems Transmission And U13 Hype Megathread


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TENNOS, THE FIGHT IS STILL ON AND WE NEED YOUR HELP TO GET THE UPPER HAND!(mabinogi has 5 NEXON games communtiy to aid them)

WE ARE AT 49.5 AGAINST MABINOGI, (caps to make it feel important)




P.s: sorry for any spam,but we deserve to win, nexon is playing unfair(5 games vs us)

I also believe they were bribing their players, but regardless the fact this community has made it that far with no bribes is a monumental achievement, and oh look, we are currently tied... So go warframe and all that shiz, and bring on U13, honestly if they did release that today I predict the votes skyrocketing.

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I also believe they were bribing their players, but regardless the fact this community has made it that far with no bribes is a monumental achievement, and oh look, we are currently tied... So go warframe and all that shiz, and bring on U13, honestly if they did release that today I predict the votes skyrocketing.


I too love how they haven't bribed us! (Yay DE)





But I totally want a reward because I'm like that :P

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I too love how they haven't bribed us! (Yay DE)





But I totally want a reward because I'm like that :P

knowing DE, if they came out with a reward it would be right after warframe wins 1st place, or possibly after we lost in the semi finals, sort of a good job tenno thing, they seem to celebrate without giving us a heads up, like their anniversary gifts, as far as I know their was no news of the dex-furis or the proto excalibur being released until well they actually released it. Even so though, we are hyped enough about U13, any more and the internet would explode in a shower of potatoes, rainbows, skanas, and all that coated with a thin layer of greedy milk. So yeah hype for prize < hype for the update.


edit: oh dont forget the old tenno spice that will rain from the skies from the hypocalypse

Edited by Melos-mevim
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