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Does It Get More Challenging?


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Ever from when I started the game for the first time, it seemed like the game was too easy. You often can steamroll over enemies. I'm wondering if this will change at some point, or will the difficulty always be like this?

I play with a few people on Teamspeak. My levels are around 22. My teammates' around 15. We've played now for about 3 evenings. We recently did a run through Pluto (mission levels ~35-50) but it still seemed too easy. The only challenging missions we have encountered is the Boss on Earth (insane regenerating shields, way too hard by the way) and some defend missions (you get swarmed from all sides on a poorly defendable position, plus it's boring as hell). Most missions seem too easy mainly because I got my hands on a Supercharged (you can Supercharge it for free with the money you start with!) Strun shotgun, equiped with maxed armor piercing mod and nearly maxed double shot mod (with the armor piercing mod alone, it feels like cheating). The thing is that soon another one of us will get that same loadout and I guess it won't be too long before others acquire that loadout as well. So what will happen to the gameplay then? Will it become an absolute cakewalk?

I feel like we need much harder missions with generally a few more and harder hitting enemies. Will we be able to find such missions or is the game pretty much over for us?

Edited by BlackAlpha666
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Today I had the fortune of being in an endless defense group with a very good Nyx and Ember, and we made it to round 22-23.

You should have seen all the level 50+ ancients...hahaha.

As for the game being easy...

I would like extra planets with very high difficulty. Maybe tie them with the Stalker faction...I mean, planets where you have to actually organize good groups to finish the missions, something like MMO dungeons.

I think it would help the game a lot by introducing more endgame goals. There's always people that instead of making alts (which is basically the current "endgame", assembling new frames and levelling them up / getting their mods) they prefer to stick to one or two characters, and perfect them. Presenting this challenge would make perfecting the characters less about grinding and more about striving for something difficult to accomplish.

This is definitely not a problem now during beta, but may be one later.

Just my opinion, anyways.

Edited by CaligoIllioneus
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The problem I have is the fact that most times I die its not because I screwed up but instead got a really unlucky door or something. Thinking back to the few times I have died probably 3/4ths are from doors opening to the side with 3 nova moas and dying before I can move, and the other 1/4th is from multiple commandos (I think?) spamming endless teles on me.

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Not so much. This is more of a hack and slash shooter. You get fun by smashing things up and doing amazing wall tricks.

If you want challenge you can forbid yourself in some skills or use lousier mods and weapons.

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i think that the 2 new added planets seem high lvl enough i think its Sedna and Europa if im not mistaking..dunno for sure

Wrong. Europa's levels are more similar to Earth's (a bit lower), same for Sedna (a bit higher) but they're not so challenging, at least not as, example given, Eris might be. Of course Pluto is still the toughest challenge in terms of levels.

However, @OP: if you found it easy to roam through Pluto, I will definitely want to play some co-op with you, since I'm almost always with no group whenever I decide to play there. I have yet to unlock half the places on Pluto, and since I want to use my Excalibur blueprint I will definitely need to get to the boss. And aside that, despite Pluto being difficult, I think it will not be that much of a challenge if you can find yourself a good group.

Edited by Vintovka
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im roam around all over the place and find most of it easy, but alot of it comes down to mods and playstyle. If you have the mods anything will be easy.

Then, it seems we've reached the end game in about 3 days and there's nothing there. So I guess we'll play something else. Too bad.

Edited by BlackAlpha666
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This is Beta. Expecting an "End game" at this point in time is down-right silly. With the last update they revamped the entire talent/skill system and you want something challenging? It's pretty obvious the game isn't balanced at all yet, isn't it?

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This is Beta. Expecting an "End game" at this point in time is down-right silly.

If this was an alpha, I would agree with you, but this is the phase before release. Plus, they are asking money for it, so I consider it to be pretty close to what they have envisioned the final game to be like. Regardless, maybe I'll check out the game again in a year or so, when it's more complete.

Edited by BlackAlpha666
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Betas really don't mean they are ready for release right away. Firefall for example has been closed/open beta for a year. (At least that is what it feels like, I was in closed beta one of the early stages). DE is not a powerhouse publisher that can just push out update after update of content like candy, same with red 5. That being said I do agree the game could have the enemy AIs tweaked to be smarter, which the playerbase gets bigger hopefully, they get tweaked. They are still working on gameplay/lore, UP8 should be fun because they are going to add clan stuff and I think clan competition if I remember livestream properly. I'll need to find a clan then but, right now I enjoy the gameplay and I am waiting to see what happens in the future.

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