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Two Questions I Couldn't Find Answers For



Hi I started last week and couldn't find the answer to these questions online.


1. Why do people bash on Dakra Prime? It is good for normal attacks I think because of the fact that you don't get slowed down on the 3rd and 4th hit, right? That's always nice to have.


2. I noticed that a lot of people do the first few available endless defense missions, but then there's no endless defense missions people do after that until end-game. Why don't people do endless defense for medium powered monsters?


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5 answers to this question

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answer to question 2: you either have a really weak weapon or you have a rank 25 CORPUS DESTROYER 9000 THAT YOU WANT TO MAX i'm afraid there is no in between. but if you want to farm medium missions with you i will gladly.

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