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Core Inc. Is Recruiting. Do You Have What It Takes?


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           Welcome to the CORE Inc. recruitment thread. While you are here, I would like to ask you a few questions. Do you love stapling grineer to the wall with a Paris or Boltor? Do you get a wicked smile on your face when you obliterate squads of corpus with a Penta? Do you get a sickly sweet flutter in your heart when legions of infested meet their end to your Galatine? Are you tired of being in a clan with a messy, clutter filled, pain in the neck to navigate and all around inefficient dojo?

            If you anwsered "Yes! Thats totally me!" to all these questions. Then CORE Inc. just might be the clan for you.

      Currently, we only have 7 spots open. Reserve you spot now! or miss out on one of the greatest up and coming clans to date for warframe. 


There are a few requriements before you consider joining with us.

1. You must be over the age of 18 or at least have a some what mature mind set and can take a joke or two from time to time.

2. Don't be a d0uch3.

3. Must be a player located with in the U.S. (i'm sure that all of you guys from over seas are great chaps and lasses, but lag is to much of a pain to deal with most of the time and this just avoids incidents from happening.)  


                                            Again! I'll ask you. Do you have what it takes?

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