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Orokin Void Resource Drop Table


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I must admit, DEs made the void resource droptable according to the Game concept, but I still, I think alloy plate is one of the common, and rest of the others are fine, but not rare as what keys are spent for. Since they're called 'Orokin' void, I think they should drop Orokin Cell as rare drop and so on....

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I would suggest incorporating all non-research resources into the void, but make it so that the resources rotate on a daily basis. For example, one day would be salvage, circuits, rubedo, gallium while the next day would be ferrite, polymer bundle, plastids, orokin cell. Of course, organize the resources so we don't get all rare or all common resource drops on one day.


I think it should include all resources because the void has been invaded before by all factions. Since nothing really "left" the void, all the resources brought by each faction would remain in the void.


Personally, having 1000 control modules doesn't really help if I don't have an equivalent amount of other materials to accompany it.

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