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Does Anyone Else Find Interception Missions Absurdly Difficult?


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I usually struggle when the rest of my squad are newbies because of the sheer amount of eviscerators bleeding them to death, and their mk 1 from mercury struggling to do anything to the heavies and leaders.

I know everytime I help a new squad through I get bombarded with thanks. So the newer players are really struggling with it, but the vets aren't.


I like the spawn rate, but just don't find it fitting on a Earth level.

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"People starting off"? My gun obliterates almost everything instantly.


Ah, but how is your defense? and your ability to use multiple abilities in succession.


Interception requires you to do one of 2 things.


kill anything that moves anywhere near a point.

Defend the two computer terminals on that point.


The 2nd bit is what a lot of people forget to do, because if a grineer is standing at one for 2-3 seconds it AUTOMATICALLY sets the point to 100% for Grineer. Once you do the first clear, its a matter of picking off the right targets, or using your abilities to deny the whole dang area.


Tough to do alone if you arent modded to be able to hit 4 ALOT (energy drops help with this many times over)


I couldnt do that with just a frame, even with just flow and streamline i would still get overwhelmed with the Leaders and Eviscerators (which is what REALLY does people in)

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they need to scale back the intercepts on earth, for newbs, unless you farm the cr*p out of mercury your not going to do well just running through mercury once, no mods to speak of, no forma, junk weaps, few if any mod ranks.


earth should be treated like a secondary newb area.


and it's not like DE has had issues with difficulty scaling before >.>

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I think the enemy turnover should follow the same rules as a player Capture, but with Conflicts weighted toward which team has more guys present (X Tenno vs Y Grinner).


I don't really like the enemy-captures-through-computer-console business because it's 1) very easy to stop the enemy if you're at the objective by just shooting them out as they approach or work the console, and 2) very easy for the enemy to succeed if you're running back and forth between objectives since they only need a good few seconds to operate the console and immediately convert the objective, whereas a Tenno will have to sit and babysit it - what, 15-20 seconds? - to convert it.


If both teams played by the same rules, a 2-man defense would be feasible.  As it is, you need three guys for a successful run that doesn't drag on and on.



Or, they could scale the objectives to the number of people playing - that'd work, too.  1 Player, 2 Objectives live.  2 Players, 3 Objectives live.  3 or 4 Players, all Objectives live.

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They really should just move the interception node out of the progression path to other planets. In other words, have it branch off as a "dead end" node similar to the survival node "Cambria" on Earth.


Boom, problem solved for newbies while maintaining an optional challenge.

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Let's not forget the speed at wich enemy level rises.In survival at 50 min you get heavy machine gunner lvl 60.In interception wave 6-7 they're already around lvl 96

I noticed this on Eurasia when I was playing there a some time ago. Wave 1 enemies are ~7-8, but once you hit the second wave they jump to the 20s. That's just too much.

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I noticed this on Eurasia when I was playing there a some time ago. Wave 1 enemies are ~7-8, but once you hit the second wave they jump to the 20s. That's just too much.

yep.keeping in mind the number of enemy that spawns,the number of leaders and their damage-health,after wave 3 it's pretty hard to keep going without a trinity.At wave 5 a trinity alone will be killed 90% of time between blessings.So the only way to survive is to have 2 trinity.But even then,you need the firepower to keep the enemies at bay.When a heavy machine gunner leader with increased health lvl 96 tries to hack the consol,you're pretty much screwed,and it gets a nightmare to clear that mess to retake the tower.

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