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Dex Furis Pretending To Be Embolist Supposedly Got About 1 Million Exp


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Right then. This is a weird bug, which I'll try to explain in as much detail as possible. 


Was using weapons in mid to low teens on Xini, Eris, to level them up. One of them was the Dex Furis. I equipped this in my arsenal page, but when I was ingame, I was running with the Embolist (which I had used in the match prior, and which was already max rank). Was emitting green cloud, and acting as Embolist. 


Although I was disappointed, I stayed in the match. At wave 20, most of the squad decided to level. When it was showing all the exp (and the bonus exp) gained, none of my gear obtained any exp, EXCEPT for the "Embolist", which obtained an obscene amount, about a million (400k blue, 500k yellow or "bonus")


I've had the bug where you supposedly get 7 million exp or whatever, so this didn't really bother me. What bothered me was that my Karak and Skana didn't get any exp.


Move to post-mission breakdown of actions, and I switch to see the exp obtained, which said only 110k was obtained. I move to arsenal screen, and I find the Dex Furis, NOT the Embolist, at rank 30.


Going to the profile page, I see that the Dex Furis only has 24k exp, and is supposedly rank 6. But my arsenal says 30. And lets me equip mods well exceeding a rank 6 weapon.


TL:DR. I got about a million exp in one match, in only one weapon. This clashed with what the post-mission breakdown said, but is supported by the rank of my Dex Furis after the mission, as it went from rank 6 to rank 30. However, the rank clashes with what my profile weapon usage claims, which says rank 6 and only 24,000 exp, which shouldn't get you to rank 30. I am able to equip mods, and nothing changes after I log out.


Was too shocked by crazy amount of exp to take screenshots, I'm sorry. I will upload pictures of the contradiction between the profile and my arsenal, but I suspect conflicting information there has been around for a while.


No idea how I got 1 million exp in one match, with a weapon I supposedly didn't have equipped (according to the model and UI ingame), and it's probably not something I can replicate. However, this failure to register changes in equipped weapons has occurred to me before as well.






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