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Friendly Hacked Moa's And Confusion In The Battlefield.


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They need a clear indicator!  tl;dr version antenna just like when you disarm but I'm conflicted because I love disarm.

I was fighting corpus yesterday and somebody had hacked one of the MOA pods and it took me a moment to realise it was a friendly unit, not a problem but I'm seeing it more and more and especially so when that one guy loves to hack every pod he can find in a survival and then suddenly you're on your &#! because you were shooting something and not focusing on a real threat. 

I know some people will read this and say ...
"noob" blah blah blah, yeah that's funny to assume that and all but when somebody summons a friendly moa on a 40-50mins survival and suddenly you've wasted that time looking at the wrong target before you know it you're down.


Back to the point So I thought maybe when they are hacked they should have an antenna pop out just like with radial disarm but ontop of the antenna we could have a bright green light to show it's a friendly unit and for disarmed hostiles it could become a Red light.


So tl;dr one more time ...

Antenna Light Green = Friendly

Antenna Light Red = Hostile.


Otherwise there would become a conflict yet again when somebody disarms if there was no light on top.


I suggest this because the antenna animation is already in the game and would hopefully be less time spent implementing a small change opposed to them reworking disarm entirely or reworking hacked moa's entirely.

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lol +1


i am always thoroughly entertained when i release a few moas and teammates proceed to unleash a hellish firestorm of ordnance upon them only to realize in horror they are immune to all damage and then the confusing momement when said moa casually gallops past them completely ignoring them


something showing they are friendly, aside from the map blip, would probally be a good idea because its true at 40+ it can be fatal going for the friendly moas


i love it when u get a blast and guardian leader at the same time - bad &#!

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I wouldn't mind if allies in general had green health bars so that way when you have a massive cloud of friends and foes on top of one another you can tell if the thing you're shooting at is actually on your side.

I don't mind that idea but I would prefer it to be a 'hud toggle' option n_n

Sometimes all the numbers floating around is enough visual clutter for me and I'm more of a 'simple' bare bones layout person myself but I can completely understand where you're coming from and I think it's a good idea too! +1

Edited by main_antagonist
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I don't mind that idea but I would prefer it to be a 'hud toggle' option n_n

Sometimes all the numbers floating around is enough visual clutter for me and I'm more of a 'simple' bare bones layout person myself but I can completely understand where you're coming from and I think it's a good idea too! +1


Well I just meant that when you pan the mouse over them their health bar is green instead of red, I didn't mean it should always be visible (though now that you mention it having a small icon above their heads could work to, so long as it's toggle-able like you said).

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