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Dera And Heavy Caliber


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I felt like a storm trooper today, so i was trying out my Dera which was getting dust in my arsenal  for a long time.

 And i noticed that Heavy Caliber hurts it WAY more than specified ( or intended  i hope), with  a 4/10 heavy caliber its accuracy plumeted from  100 to 17!.  By what was supposed to be a 25% decrease , bullets had around 2 meters spread at 20 meters from target. take that and add flight time and the gun is pretty much useless. theres gotta be something wrong with the way Heavy Caliber is working on these guns

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For Very High accuracy weapons it's viable, but those are exceptions to the rule.

strange. you'd think bullet barf weapons would be able to take advantage of it more so. IE grakata soma etc  the spray and pray weapons where you shoot an area. o well my grakata doesnt need it to be useful anyways.

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Synapse + Heavy Caliber.  So happy together.    With Soma?  Not so much. 


I'm still three ticks from the top on HC and I get some occasionally wacky results on the Ogris, but it is manageable.  Will it get completely out of hand if I end up capping HC?

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  • 3 weeks later...

strange. you'd think bullet barf weapons would be able to take advantage of it more so. IE grakata soma etc  the spray and pray weapons where you shoot an area. o well my grakata doesnt need it to be useful anyways.


grakata and soma are not exactly a good example they work on critical hit builds so they don't even need serration why put HC there.

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