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The Corpus Crewman


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A Tenno by the name of Salerion has claimed there's an odd set of red suit wearing Corpus Crewmen that appear in the Grineer Galleon's trash dump section on Invasions. He also said they seem to have the hard hat helmets that they used to have (meaning headshots are ineffective).


So i decided to go look for this elusive red wearing Corpus crewman and I'll be damned, I found them.


They appeared exactly where he said they did. And right when I walked in too. I followed these guys for quite awhile and studied their behavior. 


These "Corpus Crewman" might be their actual military personnel. These variants take much better cover than any other unit in this game and they happen to be very jumpy and always on the move. Also their Dera accuracy is 100% and they seem to only aim for the head making them very deadly in combat. On top of that you can't head shot these guys because they have the same "hard" helmets Corpus use to have prior U11. 


AND their shields recharge much faster than standard Crewmen.


So what are these guys DE? Beta units for better AI? Leaked new units? I'd love to know cuz it was fun seeing them in action :P

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I swear I might have found the same units you described, but in a blue suit.

Can't confirm though because I was a tad tired. But your findings are interesting.

Hmm, can you remember where exactly? The only Blue Suits I know of are the Elite Crewmen.

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Edit: I hope female corpus will be Priestesses, so this is special forces maby?

It would actually be hella funny if all this time, the male Corpus were like "Imma Stormtrooper and we're going to kill the Tenno with our hail of laser fire instead of accuracy". While instead, DE introduces the female Corpus as like pinpoint accuracy, headshots all the time and invincible headwear to protect their pretty faces :P

Honestly, making the more difficult or more elite enemies in this games as giving them scary levels of smart AI would frighten me. But at the same time, very well designed enemy AI is more fun and challenging as opposed to the kinda artificial rise in difficulty by just amping enemy HP/Shields/Damage like Warframe currently does now, particularly in high level Defense/Survival.

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