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Weapon Ideas


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I thought about a few weapons i would love to see in the game. These are just ideas.


1. poison/acid net shooing gun.

when it fires, it should open the net and then when it hits a mob (or several close together) they should get trapped in the net. the net should then wrap arround them and give poison/acid damage.

It should be able to catch multiple mobs in one net, that gets increased with mods.

Picture: http://www.pwrc.usgs...unSchematic.gif


2. push gun.

when it fires, the mob that it aims at should get pushed back so hard that when they hit a wall it can kill them. the closer the gun is to the mob / the closer the mob is to the wall, the more damage it should do. This can also push mobs down into holes which should kill them. Its effect might have to be something else against bosses.

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