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About The Melee 2.0 Hype Video.


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I have a small feeling it's just exclusive to the video. I mean sure, there's been dangly bits hints here and there through the website coding, so I definitely wouldn't mind having that in-game. But that's not in-game footage. There's been other videos that demonstrate things in Warframe, but it's not a 1 to 1 comparison of what is to be added to the game.

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I'll just say what I said in the megathread.


The Physics were already implemented in the U11 trailer, where Volt and Trinity both makes an appearance. However, they've never been implemented.


The thing now is that the three Warframe who are mainly concerned with the "cloth" physics are Trinity, Volt and Frost, and all three appear in the U13 teaser, showing off their physics as well.


Therefore, I'm pretty positive we'll finally get these in U13. Maybe we won't get it right away with the update, but during the update.

Edited by Casardis
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While cloth physics have been said to be in development before, we have already seen cinematic trailers with the cloth physics, while it's still not in-game, so I'm willing to bet it's just for the cinematic this time as well.


If we DO finally get cloth physics in the game, though, all of my yes!

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