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Concept Gamemode: Lotus Defence


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so imagine a defense map, with 5 players.

Not just an extra player in the game however a "lotus" character that can place additional things down on the map, things like Health Packs or Ammo (Maybe turn off drops from Enemy's?) to Defensive positions and Turrets. This would make the game a lot more interesting as players would have to rely on the lotus to keep them stocked.

The system would work on "Points" that were given as a linear value per wave + player performance (Accuracy, damage taken, damage done to object they are defending) then these points are used to buy items.

Fortification would only be available to place in between rounds as dropping a wall or turret on a lancers head would be a little OP however Ammo and health should be able to be dropped mid round (At a higher costs then in the breaks to stop the lotus spamming health down)

Another ability the lotus could have is the ability to spawn in helpful characters (maybe AI controller warframes, maybe Units currently in the game) this would allow the lotus to draw fire away from the objective or give the players some support in the form of more firepower or a shield osprey.

However i do accept there are limitations to the game such as lobby's are 4 player only, this could be circumvented by allowing the players to act as the lotus between rounds or only having 3 players actually fighting, As for affinity i would suggest a system that either upgrades their lotus rank (allowing them to upgrade or build more things/summon higher level units) or simply sharing the affinity between their load out.

EDIT: to make the game more interesting maybe add in multiple factions fighting together so players have to think more clearly about builds/have 2 players with anti grineer builds and 2 with anti corpus builds

Thanks for reading


Edited by Fallofsilence
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