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Who Else Here Wants Loki Prime?


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Loki is my main but as I'll be using stat helm the cosmetic part will be mostly lost for me and extra polarity doesn't help, so unless they give it some better stat, I don't really care.


I'll cry if he gets more shields/hp or something else as pointless for Loki.

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Why does Loki need a Prime? He's filled to the brim with swag as it is. 


Cause Loki = popular with veterans = potential customers for prime access.




I'll cry if he gets more shields/hp or something else as pointless for Loki.


As long as they buff anything except for his weakness(health/armor) it's going to be far less of a kick in the crotch than Rhino Prime was.

Edited by AuroraSonicBoom
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I want him, although I have to admit it's purely for aesthetic purposes. He's already the most OP Frame in the game (IMO) so I can't imagine what, outside of the energy buff from box traps, could they do to make the Prime version better.


Also, I'd really love it if the Prime helmet was based on the Swindle design, but failing that, I want him to look like the concept in this OP:


Edited by MisterUltimate
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I want him, although I have to admit it's purely for aesthetic purposes. He's already the most OP Frame in the game (IMO) so I can't imagine what, outside of the energy buff from box traps, could they do to make the Prime version better.

For improved stats I'd like an inbuilt quick rest.

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I want him, although I have to admit it's purely for aesthetic purposes. He's already the most OP Frame in the game (IMO) so I can't imagine what, outside of the energy buff from box traps, could they do to make the Prime version better.

Yeah kinda same plus I need some damn plat and that will give me an excuse to blow 140 dollars on Prime Access as I despise Rhino

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I want Ash Prime. >:3


Or female ash from the amazing concept art.

Ash already has a prime version. Is called Loki and is craftable from the starchart


Now on topic.


We Loki players now we don't need a prime version, hell he doesn't even need a forma to be maximized.

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As far as I can tell Loki will be the next prime. I like Loki he was my first ever frame, while he has no direct damage abilities his abilities can be quite intimidating used correctly. Invisibility and radial disarm I use the most, but switch teleport is good for getting places fast while confusing the enemy and decoy can be good for directing fire away from Loki.

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Ash already has a prime version. Is called Loki and is craftable from the starchart


Now on topic.


We Loki players now we don't need a prime version, hell he doesn't even need a forma to be maximized.


Pfft, who needs usefulness when you got Ash's edgyness?

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As for bonus stats that are now apparently (- DE you serious?) being included with new prime frames:

Rhino prime +speed for op stacking with vanguard (DE pls...)

Loki prime +power efficiency for op stacking with essence ('cause why not?)

Edited by Vorsches
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