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The Rng Is Making Me Not Want To Play This Game Any More.


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It started with the Void--with run after run after run yielding the same damn item I didn't need past the first time.


Now it's culminating in my very own white whale, the Brakk Barrel, which has been denied me time and time again thanks to RNG layer after RNG layer.


I know nothing will happen, because that's how DE likes it--all the Void RNG makes players want to spend Platinum on Prime Trading so they can get the pieces they'll otherwise never see.


But the RNG involved in trying to make the Brakk is doing something DE might actually care about--it's making me not want to spend money on this game ever again.


Six Blueprints, three Receivers. Not a single Barrel.

I couldn't even tell you how many G3 kills, nor how many invasion and survival runs were involved in this.


And yet I'm still apparently not worthy of the weapon, especially in the eyes of those who say their mere hundred Gradivus runs were more work than this.


What a joke.

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Why are you hunting for it for vigorously?

Most things come when you dont look for them.

There are tons of other weapons you can pick from otherwise


if you are upset because you cant get one weapon then its gonna be a long and hard road ahead.

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RNG is used in many F2P games, and Warframe is one of them. It's not going away any time soon.


No need to just attach it to F2P games.

RNG is heavy in tons of games in general. More so the further they go into RPG status.

Edited by SolidSp33d
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Sad but true. Still, I don't think it's THAT bad to begin with.


Try getting gear you want for the character you want in DOTA 2


Warframe isnt nearly as bad.


Still, i havent even bothered trying to get the Brakk for this very reason. I was shocked and amazed i was able to put together the Detron. The only thing ive been trying for (and slightly failing at) is getting all prime warframes.

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Try getting gear you want for the character you want in DOTA 2


Warframe isnt nearly as bad.


Still, i havent even bothered trying to get the Brakk for this very reason. I was shocked and amazed i was able to put together the Detron. The only thing ive been trying for (and slightly failing at) is getting all prime warframes.


Oh, I've tried. One of the reasons I don't think Warframe is THAT bad.

Edited by Morec0
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I've been there several times OP. I suggest you do the same I do: don't grind nor farm. Play the game for the shooting, or play something else. Otherwise, you'll just find yourself like that: burned out.

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Yes. If it was too easy everybody who worked hard to get their stuff would be up with pitchforks and torches.

Kinda like when boss drops got changed from low RNG % chance of a pink ball to guaranteed part at the end of the run changing the number of boss runs required to farm a single frame from anywhere between 7 - 20 (my personal experience) - 100+  (forum reported amounts)?


Still I think the Stalker/G3/Harvester drops work fine this way, and the void stuff isn't that bad, there are people damn near giving away full sets of almost everything that can be found in the void.

Not a big conspiracy that they make the drop chance low so people pay more money.  The drop chances are low to get people KEEP PLAYING getting rewarded sporadically to get them hooked.

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Kinda like when boss drops got changed from low RNG % chance of a pink ball to guaranteed part at the end of the run changing the number of boss runs required to farm a single frame from anywhere between 7 - 20 (my personal experience) - 100+  (forum reported amounts)?


Still I think the Stalker/G3/Harvester drops work fine this way, and the void stuff isn't that bad, there are people damn near giving away full sets of almost everything that can be found in the void.

Not a big conspiracy that they make the drop chance low so people pay more money.  The drop chances are low to get people KEEP PLAYING getting rewarded sporadically to get them hooked.

Thank you, Tenno.

No body found my meme appropriate </3

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Why are you hunting for it for vigorously?

Most things come when you dont look for them.

There are tons of other weapons you can pick from otherwise


if you are upset because you cant get one weapon then its gonna be a long and hard road ahead.

i was thinking this pretty much. it will happen when it happens, just take a deep breath and go into zen mode when playing. you should use gaming as your chance to relax.

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because that's how DE likes it--all the Void RNG makes players want to spend Platinum on Prime Trading so they can get the pieces they'll otherwise never see.

where do you think they get their items from? they don't fall from the f*cking sky. they got them in the same place.



and all in all, Warframe is not very 'grindy', even for a Western game. 

which speaking of, you should see an Eastern game, and how successful those still are. 


unfortunately the Western parts of the world are raised on instant everything and assume the universe actually works that way (which is so untrue)

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I love how there's people in this topic accusing me of wanting everything handed straight to me, despite me having said I've done enough G3 runs to get nine weapon parts.


Tell me, people; how many runs will I need to do before you deem it sufficient and stop accusing me of merely wanting instant gratification? How many weapon parts will I need to acquire before you stop automatically dismissing everything I have to say?


How many before my opinions are allowed to count?

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It started with the Void--with run after run after run yielding the same damn item I didn't need past the first time.


Now it's culminating in my very own white whale, the Brakk Barrel, which has been denied me time and time again thanks to RNG layer after RNG layer.


I know nothing will happen, because that's how DE likes it--all the Void RNG makes players want to spend Platinum on Prime Trading so they can get the pieces they'll otherwise never see.


But the RNG involved in trying to make the Brakk is doing something DE might actually care about--it's making me not want to spend money on this game ever again.


Six Blueprints, three Receivers. Not a single Barrel.

I couldn't even tell you how many G3 kills, nor how many invasion and survival runs were involved in this.


And yet I'm still apparently not worthy of the weapon, especially in the eyes of those who say their mere hundred Gradivus runs were more work than this.


What a joke.


next time do what you need to earn it correctly the first time and then you wont despair to the heavens at your misfortune. You guys all whined that 100 runs was too many/boring/blah blah blah. Now you are given another chance at it, instead of being grateful you whine even more. How are you NOT wanting handed over on a silver platter?


stop the complaining, heat up some hot pockets, and PLAY THE GAME

Edited by Kartumterek
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RNG is used in many F2P games, and Warframe is one of them. It's not going away any time soon.


Unfortunately this is true. Aside from tweaking the odds maybe, I don't expect it to change.


I feel your pain too. I had a lucky few days of getting the Stalker, pinning him down, and making him say his name was Sally. I was hunting for the Despair, and it finally dropped during a T3. Everything went fine, and we breezed through the mission, headed to extraction, and Warframe crashed. It was three months until the Despair dropped again, well after I'd given up, and during a G3 hunt.

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I can't help but remember how we had to do a minimum of 100 missions to get the BRAKK during the event it was a reward for, so really anything less than that & you are very lucky & actually got off a lot easier than we did. Also we had to do set missions, Now though those 3 whatever they are called are able to appear in any number of mission types as long as they are for the right faction.


Yes the RNG drop tables need to be looked at, & yes it is possible that other things that work with those tables also need to be looked at. However time & time again we see threads where people try for something 5 or 10 times & then they run to the forums to tell us all about how they intend to leave the game unless things change to how THEY want it.


So remember The first time the BRAKK was given as a reward we were required to do a minimum of 100 missions, think yourself lucky you don't also have to do 100 missions & in the end if it takes 50 tries then your still 50% better off than we were... {which I personally think is a joke as you all should of been made do 100 missions also to get it, THEN you might better understand why people who got it through the event are so angry every time they read the "I tried 10 times & didn't get it" threads & "I am leaving the game" threads}

Edited by xylocaine09
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