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Oculus Rift + Warframe: Potential Or Pipe-Dream?


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I'd like to see some devs weigh in on this. With the recent purchase of Oculus Rift by Facebook (at the sum of $2 billion), the progress of the new machine is bound to accelerate rapidly. That said, is there a desire or intent to try to work the Oculus Rift into Warframe?


We can call it... Oculus Void. Yeah, that sounds good.

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Yeah. I may buy a Oculus Dev Kit 2, but if it has any sort of Facebook branding, forced integration or whatever I'm going to return it.


As it stands, Sony's Morpheus seems much more interesting. I really loathe anything and everything to do with facebook.


That being said, I feel as though these VR headsets are best for 1st person games.

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its a pipe dream. Everyone's faith in teh Oculus kind of vanished when Facebook bought it.


This. It was supposed to be for gamers, why the hell did Facebook buy it...a company who does not care about gaming in general... The worst part is that now the people who supported the kickstarter got absolutely betrayed.

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Having actually played a few games with the Rift Dev Kit 1 I can tell you that you will _not_ want to play Warframe with it.


Firstly, _any_ kind of strafing is a killer, I _don't_ get motion sick with any computer games but even a leisurely game of HL2 left me retching after 5 mins the moment I started strafing. This isn't the fault of the rift, it's simply that rapid side-to-side movement is hell without feedback from your inner ear.


Secondly, any camera movement _not_ controlled by the head is tremendously disorienting, the "arc movement" the camera does in Warframe to keep your character in view would not be pleasant at all.


1st person Warframe without strafing... possibly, but anything else would be a recipe for disaster.

Edited by SilentMobius
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the Oculus is a pipe dream.


Mark Zuckerberg has no business buying VR goggles, when he runs a website as his company. it's not his field. which means he'll ruin it. 


people that don't know what they're doing + anything == bad. just look at new players in Warframe. see how much they die early on? yeah.



Sony... though... maybe.

but if it's tied to the PS4, i give -1 sh*ts.

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Zuckerberg has not only announced intentions to focus on the social media aspect of the OR (like chatrooms, Facebook junk, shopping) but rumor is also circulating that they are considering making it a separate closed platform (like a console, or a Mac compared to PC) instead of a peripheral that anyone can use with their system.


The OR is most likely dead as a gaming device. Even if it stay completely gaming oriented, I personally have no intention of supporting another Google-like company that happens to believe people's private information is ok collect and sell to advertisers.

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Maybe facebook is developing a new gaming console.


you, sir, owe me the coffee i just lost all over my monitor.


it will flop, HORRIBLY. there is no way for them to get the endorsements they need to make it happen.


I mean, they already have the big 3 to compete against (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) but soon they'll also have the Steam Box to contend with. Between those four systems, it pretty much shuts out any would-be console company from attempting to join the race. Its fare to late for a new player with no videogame experience to join in this game.

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