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Chat Tab Suggestions!

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Hi fellow Tenno.

With PS4 recently receiving update 12.4.4 (Tethra's Doom event) the Region chat, by the looks of it has become a real "Region" chat (like what PC has) and I am slowly liking it and adjusting to it. I just hope you don't change Region chat back into "Worldwide" chat but instead maybe make look at making a new chat tab called "World" where everyone can speak and keep Region, region based.

another suggestion I have is being able to turn the likes of Region chat off without Recruiting and Trading chats going with it. PS4 Region chat 7 out 10 times has some stupid comments and I would like to see an option to turn it off when it gets too much. (ignoring only does so much and usually once one person starts others soon follow)


A new suggestion/idea I recently just thought up is restrict trading chat for players under the required mastery rank level to trade both on the PC/PS4 versions of Warframe and on the forum - I see no need for players to be on trading chats if they are not at the required level to trade and would class it as possible spam.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I am sorry if I put this in the wrong section.

Edited by (PS4)SUB-ZER0GAMER
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