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Screen Shots And How To Do Them



5 answers to this question

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I believe there is an in-game button to do so (F6 as Terrorist said below), if not you can use steam if you play on that and the default key is F12.



if you mean screenshot anything that isn't on a game, you have multiple options.

1) Gyazo, it lets you screenshot then automatically uploads to the website for you to post anywhere.

2) Windows comes with a program called "Snipping Tool", which will let you screenshot and save anywhere.

Edited by Ayliax
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Screenshots are taken using the 'F6' key, which are then saved as Bitmap (.bmp) images in your Windows Pictures folder under "Warframe".


There's an option to remove UI elements from screenshots under Options -> Display, so you can take images of only your Warframe, Sentinel and weapons.

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Thank you all!


But one more thing how do i know if it was successfully captured or saved

If you use warframe's screenshot, it will make a cheesy camera shutter click sound. If you use steam's screenshot, it will make a sound kinda like something charging, and pop up a little thumbnail alert saying "screenshot taken" or something like that.

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