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Warframe Iah Promo

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That still on? That's from, like... mid-year last year :P

EDIT: Also, if it is indeed last year's promo, it's not the Vandal. Just Braton+slot+tato+skin.

Edited by Guest
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Im sorry to question your judgement old friend but are you sure?

Dude... Don't make yourself look bad. He's a Community Moderator, for crying out loud, of course he's sure. Besides, everyone knows Braton Vandal is blue, not orange. (Which is actually true of all Vandals, not just the Braton, so... yeah)

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I'm locking this.


Also there is no way for the Braton Vandal to be obtained. The IAH promo was for a normal Braton with a slot, potato and promotional skin. The Braton Vandal was only available for a limited time for closed beta testers.


Also, just as a heads up, making additional accounts to obtain promotional codes violates the Terms of Use agreement which can be seen here. Endorsing the creation of alternate accounts is also against the rules.


Section 3, Paragraph 5

You, as creator of your Account and User ID, are solely responsible for your User ID. Digital Extremes will not tolerate offensive or obscene User IDs. If a User ID violates any part of these terms, DE may immediately, temporarily, or permanently ban such a User ID, with or without notice. The creation of alternate accounts will be handled on a case by case basis, and we reserve the right to remove accounts used to circumvent any form of restrictions to the game or the Service including the official Warframe forums.
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