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Arc Traps Should Be Destructible With Aoe Attacks Like Cameras


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Does Penta, Ogris, Ignis and maybe Castanas work on them yet? I remember reading they knew about this but not sure if they have done anything to it yet.


Weapons work okay I think. My Torid could kill it but mostly when I direct hit it since it doesn't deal very high DoT fast enough. Need to try with Penta.


I suggested powers because sometimes you just don't even know where the 5 arc traps attacking you are because of all those Corpus shields and Grineer radial blast, so I'd like to just Miasma and destroy the annoyance like I do with cameras.

Edited by Casardis
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With penta you could kill it with a direct hit from the projectile but not with the triggered AOE. So if you're hit by the arc trap you either aim very carefully, switch to another weapon or just run away. However with the first option you risk the projectile bouncing back at you and killing yourself. 


Had same problem with the scan doors, makes penta-using unnecessarily more fustrating

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  • 2 weeks later...

Over a week later, this still hasn't been fixed. I can't believe that this is really intended behavior. I can confirm that you have to hit the trap directly with an Ogris rocket as well.

They haven't released a hotfix last week since it was supposed to be U13. Maybe it's included in the update this week with U13, so we shall see this Wednesday. If not, we just have to keep voicing it. they have been busy with melee 2.0 after all.

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They haven't released a hotfix last week since it was supposed to be U13. Maybe it's included in the update this week with U13, so we shall see this Wednesday. If not, we just have to keep voicing it. they have been busy with melee 2.0 after all.

Ah, you are correct; I hadn't been paying attention to when the last hotfix was since I've been so busy with school.

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The Ignis kills them pretty easily.

I assumed that Volt's abilities would at least destroy them but from what I have seen it does not.


Yeah I think the Ignis does the job because it's not an explosion like the Penta and Ogris, but actually an arc of damage sprayed in front.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't think this has been made yet, even though it should, especially with the new Rescue tile having MANY arc traps if you're detected, and it's sometimes ridiculous to try destroying them and "missing" with an explosion.

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Another reason why it needs to be fixed is the Rescue missions the way DE altered them. If we give our secondary to the person we are to Rescue then how are we to destroy the arc traps if our weapon does no damage to them? They can't expect us to melee. Some are not reachable with melee but the traps can hit us. Some are in groups so we would likely die if we attempted killing them. Meanwhile they are strong enough to kill the person we are trying to rescue.


DE, you need to allow all weapons to damage them.

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  • 2 months later...

Before you scream at me, read the whole thing :)


I actually think Arc Traps should be indestructible, fixed objects.

(ducks for cover)








... what I think we should get is something like that Grineer tile with the spinning turbine blades that stop spinning if you destroy the control panels, down by the side.


Just use game assets already in place to act as energy shunts that send power to the Arc Traps, so when a team runs through a tile, they can simply use situational awareness to shoot those panels and keep Arc Traps in the area powered down. These panels can be remain easy to spot simply on the basis of players paying attention running past and using a few rounds of ammo. This is still a better mechanic than an entire team running faster to take less damage, or getting REALLY annoyed when an Arc Trap is sitting in a wall, as now it will no longer matter "where" it is.


This way when someone says "Arc Trap just zapped me" you can say, "we missed a panel" and since the panels are easy to spot, less Arc Traps would zap us, and when they still do, we can point fingers at each other with accusations of incompetence.


"You missed a stupid panel!"

"NO I didn't, I shot all the ones on the left side!"

"WHAT? I was doing the left side!"


Edited by DSpite
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