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Vitality Or Redirection?



7 answers to this question

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For me at least, it depends on what my overall goal with my warframe's build is.


For instance, if I want overall survivability, I go with both. If I have to go with one or the other, I generally go for Redirection due to shield recharge. However, with more specialized loadouts, I'll forgo the shields, ie: My trinity is built with rage and vitality so that I can get energy for blessing by purposely getting hit. Same goes for my valkyr loadout, and even my excalibur loadout. 


Overall, depends on what you want to do with your loadout that'll determine which one you use. 

Edited by BizarreFetalChimpanzee
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Redirection every time I actually bother slotting a defensive mod.


Enemies than can disrupt you or ignore shields are rare, and the defense that renews itself after a few seconds beats the one that doesn't. In my opinion Vitality should give a bigger HP increase than Redirection's Shield increase, to compensate for that fact.

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it depends on the frame. For frames like frost trinity oberon valkyr saryn  it makes more sense to have vitality over redirection


Frost has a D aura slot for rejuv aura which is good with his ability to tank. throw in Steel fiber redirection rejuv aura and vitality and hes pretty much bomb proof.


Trinty and oberon makes more sense to have vitality BECAUSE THEY CAN HEAL HP


Frame like saryn and valkyr get more out of vitality with steel fiber because they have such high armor AND high HP and are considered tanks. (saryn has like 1.1k HP with an almost maxed vital)


adding rejuv to a D slot with a frame that gets more out of HP then shields is a pretty good way to go.


all frames have shields so having a high hp frame is still good. just dont stand in the line of fire forever and youll be golden

Edited by Zhoyzu
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As its already been mentioned the question is not whether one or the other but the context, i think that any rage build should keep a low max shield and a high max health, that way rage activates more frequently with a big margin and giving a sustainable energy pool. regarding the statement that "health does not regenerate" it can also be seen from the opposite side and consider that there are no shield orbs, but health orbs do exist. i would off course use redirection on frost or any shield with good base shield.

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Depends on the Frame and loadout -

Volt, Mag, Frost? Redirection and Vigor over Vitality. High Base shield is just open for abuse, average HP is good enough to keep them alive for those rare occasions the shields fail.

Excalibur, Rhino, Ember, Vauban, Nekros, Oberon, Zephyr, Banshee - Either or Both, with Redirection favored over Vitality due to regeneration.

Saryn, Valkyr, Ash, Trinity, Nova  - Vitality over Redirection, either due to stats (High HP, low shields) or builds (Rage)

Loki - None, though possible Vitality if going against Infested.

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