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Alternate Button For Controllers Or Sprint/roll Separation


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Can this be a thing? I think it can.


Currently, the keyboard can have a main button (Say, Space to jump) and an alternate (E to jump). Where as the controller only has one. This wouldn't be much of a problem except that some people like myself enjoy the aspect of rolling. It's fun and it's quick. Plus, 'dem backflips yo!


Personally, be able to map sprint/roll to both the left controlstick click and the left bumper (360 controller) would be great! Or. the same can be achieved if sprint/roll was separated into "Hold to sprint" and "Roll". Keeping the original option there as well for the sake of both parties.


Thoughts? Or is there a menu I'm somehow missing as the "Configure controller" menu only shows one button set whereas the keyboard shows two.

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But you can keep "Sprint" and "Roll" on the same button on PC. I use a 360 controller and I've got it set to the "Left Trigger". Hold to "Sprint", tap to "Roll".

I have mine set to left click. Left trigger is for aiming and left bumper is for 1st powers.


D-pad is for other powers except D-Up is for blocking. Might switch out 1st power and block because of melee 2.0 though. If sprint/roll were separated or you can double-map, sprint would be on left-click while roll would be on left bumper with all powers being on the D-pad without a block.

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