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★ ~~~ Selling: Maxed Mods / Rare Mods / Prime Parts ~~~ ★

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Welcome Tenno!

I'm selling lots of Maxed Mods, Rare Mods, & Prime Parts.

See anything you need? PM me in game, on the forums, or on Steam (ZechsX18999).

Happy Hunting!


All prices are in Platinum, but I will give discounts if you have:


Fever Strike

High Voltage


Malignant Force

Natural Talent


Pistol Pestilence


Seeking Force

Shell Shock

Sprint Boost

Steel Charge

Sure Footed

Toxic Barrage

Virulent Scourge

Voltaic Strike






----------------------------------------------------------------------Maxed Mods:-----------------------------------------------------------------------


Common: 175p each

Maxed Redirection (Warframe)

Maxed Steel Fiber (Warframe)

Maxed Vitality (Warframe)

Maxed Redirection (Sentinel)

Maxed Steel Fiber (Sentinel)

Maxed Vitality (Sentinel)


Uncommon: 250p each

Maxed Equilibrium

Maxed Hornet Strike

Maxed Provoked 

Maxed Serration 


Rare: 350p each

Maxed Blind Rage 

Maxed Heavy Caliber 

Maxed Magnum Force 

Maxed Narrow Minded 

Maxed Reflex Guard

Maxed Tainted Mag  

Maxed Tainted Shell 


---------------------------------------------------------------------Warframe Mods---------------------------------------------------------------------


Blind Rage - 20p

Constitution - 5p

Continuity - 10p

Enemy Sense - 10p

Fleeting Expertise - 20p

Flow - 5p

Fortitude - 5p

Handspring - 10p

Intensify - 5p

Narrow Minded - 20p

Quick Thinking - 20p

Reflex Guard - 5p

Retribution (Maxed) - 10p

Streamline - 5p

Stretch - 3p

Undying Will - 5p

Vigor - 5p


-----------------------------------------------------------------------Aura Mods--------------------------------------------------------------------------


Dead Eye - 10p

Enemy Radar - 5p

Energy Siphon - 15p

Physique - 5p

Pistol Scavenger - 5p

Rifle Amp - 10p

Rifle Scavenger - 5p

Rejuvenation - 10p

Shield Disruption - 5p

Shotgun Scavenger - 5p

Sniper Scavenger - 5p

Speed Holster - 5p


---------------------------------------------------------------------Primary Mods------------------------------------------------------------------------


Accelerated Blast - 5p

Blaze - 20p

Burdened Magazine - 5p

Charged Chamber - 10p

Contagious Spread - 20p

Critical Delay - 10p

Cyro Rounds - 3p

Firestorm - 20p

Hammer Shot - 20p

Heavy Caliber - 20p

Hell's Chamber - 15p

Hellfire - 3p

Infected Clip - 3p

Metal Auger - 5p

Ravage - 5p

Serration - 3p

Shotgun Spazz - 10p

Shred - 5p

Split Chamber - 15p

Stabilizer - 5p

Stormbringer - 10p

Tainted Mag - 5p

Tainted Shell* - 5p

Thunderbolt - 5p

Vicious Spread - 15p

Vile Precision - 5p

Vital Sense - 5p

Wildfire -5p


------------------------------------------------------------------------Pistol Mods-----------------------------------------------------------------------


Barrel Diffusion - 15p

Deep Freeze - 3p

Gunslinger - 3p

Hornet Strike - 3p

Ice Storm - 5p

Lethal Torrent - 5p

Magnum Force - 10p

Seeker - 10p

Steady Hands - 5p

Stunning Speed - 5p


-----------------------------------------------------------------------Melee Mods------------------------------------------------------------------------


Berserker - 20p

Focus Energy - 5p

Heavy Trauma - 5p

Jagged Edge - 15p

Melee Channel - 5p

North Wind (Maxed) - 10p

Power Throw - 5p

Rending Strike - 5p

Shocking Touch (Maxed) - 10p

Spoiled Strike - 10p

Sundering Strike - 5p

Whirlwind - 20p


---------------------------------------------------------------------Sentinel Mods-----------------------------------------------------------------------


Coolant Leak - 15p

Fired Up - 10p

Guardian - 10p

Sanctuary - 15p

Self Destruct - 15p

Spare Parts (Maxed) - 10p


------------------------------------------------------------------------Prime Parts------------------------------------------------------------------------


Ankyros Prime Blade - 25p


Boar Prime Barrel - 10p

Boar Prime Receiver - 10p

Boar Prime Stock - 10p


Boltor Prime Barrel - 5p

Boltor Prime Stock - 5p


Braton Prime BP - 5p

Braton Prime Barrel - 15p

Braton Prime Receiver - 15p

Braton Prime Stock - 5p


Bronco Prime BP - 5p

Bronco Prime Barrel - 10p


Dakra Prime Blade - 10p

Dakra Prime Handle - 5p


Ember Prime BP - 5p

Ember Prime Chassis BP - 5p


Fang Prime Handle x2 - 5p each


Frost Prime BP - 5p

Frost Prime Chassis BP - 10p

Frost Prime Helmet BP - 5p

Frost Prime Systems BP - 15p


Glaive Prime BP - 15p

Glaive Prime Blade - 15p

Glaive Prime Disc - 5p


Latron Prime Receiver - 5p


Mag Prime BP - 5p

Mag Prime Systems BP - 10p


Orthos Prime BP - 5p

Orthos Prime Handle - 5p


Paris Prime Grip - 10p

Paris Prime String - 10p


Reaper Blade - 5p

Reaper Handle - 5p


Rhino Prime Systems BP - 5p


Sicarus Prime BP - 5p

Sicarus Prime Barrel - 5p

Edited by ZechsX18999
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